--Chapter Twenty-Two--

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Zane's POV

I quickly let go as soon as I realize what I'm doing. I stand up straight and face her. She takes a timid step backwards, but I'm guessing she's not finished trying to escape yet.

I feel upset and confused whenever I think of Kaira, and her attempts at escape are not helping. I find myself unwillingly attracted to her, and I hate it. She is an experiment. A test subject. That's all.

I swallow hard, and take a deep breath, trying to calm myself, "Just stay here." I say a lot more calmly than I have ever been with her.

She seems shocked at my tone. Just as shocked as me, probably.

"I want to leave." She says quietly.

I sigh and shake my head, "Sorry." Why am I being this kind? Quickly, I turn and leave before she can do anything else. The door closes behind me, and I return to my desk, immersing myself in work to get my mind off troubling matters. Mainly among those matters, Kaira.

I find myself calmed by studying the emotion liquid. I'm not sure which emotion we extracted, but that's what I'm trying to find out.

After half an hour, I find there is basically nothing else to find out. I need to test it on a person to find out anything else. A crazy idea pops into my brain and for some reason I listen to it.

Taking a big breath, I stand up and go over to the room. After letting it out slowly, I open the door and step in the room.

Kaira's expression is one of confusion and I understand it. One minute I'm practically trying to kill her and the next I'm apologizing that she can't leave! She's probably wondering which Zane is coming in now.

"Hey," I say awkwardly, "I wanted to well, uh," I curse myself at how awkward I am, "explain some things." This could either go splendidly or horribly. Let's hope it goes well.

She watches me, still looking confused, "Okay..."

I swallow hard and have to wait a few seconds to take the plunge, "As you know this is a lab," I say, "And you are part of an experiment."

She stays silent, still watching me.

"I want to explain that experiment to you."

THANK YOU ALL FOR 1K!!!!! We appreciate you all taking the time to read this book! :)

Zane's POV: Evara

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