--Chapter Seventy-Eight--

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Zane's POV

I hear yelling and screaming as I near the "punishment" room, as the scientists call it.

My throat constricts, recognizing Kaira's voice, and I increase my pace to a full-out sprint. If someone sees me, fine. I just need to get to Kaira.

I get to the door and practically rip it open.

The first thing I notice is Kaira. Her sobs reach my ears, making me even more angry at whomever did this to her. The next thing I notice is the blood everywhere, infuriating me further.

The two scientists in the room snapped their heads up as soon as the door was flung open.

The younger of the scientist acts first, taking the dagger he was holding and pressing it to Kaira's neck, "Stop right there, traitor."

I freeze, cursing myself for not thinking of a better plan.

"Now, you can just go sit in the corner while Gary calls more security," The cockiness of this scientist frustrates me, enhanced by the thought that I can do nothing.

"Now," the scientist says sharply, as the other one moves to call more security. His mistake that he moved too close.

I lunge at him, swinging a hard punch that connects with his jaw. He immediately goes limp, falling to the floor.

"Foolish," the remaining scientist smiles and moves the knife to Kaira's arm. Suddenly he stabs it in, and I hear Kaira try to scream through the gag in her mouth.

Slowly, I raise my hands in surrender. "Alright," I snarl, having a spark of an idea.

The scientist jerks his head at me, "Move over there."

Having no other choice, I do so, watching him carefully.

Lifting the knife from Kaira's neck, he moves quickly towards the alarm button.

His first mistake.

I lunge at him, tackling him to the floor. He grunts as he lands on the floor, hard. I get up as quickly as possible to face him, and he does the same, holding his knife tightly. I give him a hard stare, "That's not going to do you much good."

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