--Chapter Sixty-One--

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Kaira's POV

Relief fills me up so fast I can hardly breathe. My mom and sister are... alive. That is more than I had hoped for.

But I still can't believe that Zane did that. I mean, it's obvious he's the one that took my father, and he was the one that took me. Which leads me to the quite obvious conclusion that he really doesn't care about me.

I still can't understand, however, why he would come in here just to tell my father that Mom and Louis are still alive. Unless he has something else up his sleeve. Which would be just like him.

Abruptly, and maybe out of anger, I stand up and bang on the glass, forcing Zane to look at me. "How could you?" I growl, putting as much venom behind my words as I can.

Several emotions flash through his eyes, but I can't quite figure them out. "What... do you mean?" he says slowly, almost cautiously.

I practically explode, "Are you really going to play stupid when my father is right next to me?" I yell, "I hate you. You know that? I hate you so much!" As if to accentuate my point, I bang on the glass with my fists again, almost satisfied when pain shoots through my fingers.

Zane takes a step back. But I can see that he understands now, and I see in his eyes a bit of guilt. He starts to say something, but then changes his mind and shakes his head.

He starts to turn away, but I won't have it. How can he just ignore me? "Are you just going to walk away?" I yell. He stops.

"Kaira? Is that you?" Dad calls from his own imprisonment.

I swallow. Hearing his voice helps to calm me down. "Yeah, it's me," I mumble back, not taking my eyes off Zane who is watching me as well.

"Are you hurt?"

At his words, I see Zane look away. Good, I hope you feel guilty, Zane. "I'm okay, Daddy. Are you?"

"I'll be okay. I'm just glad to know you're alive, Sweetie. We had no idea what to think when they took you. I searched everywhere for you, and I'm so sorry I couldn't find you. I am so so sorry-"

"Dad, it's okay. It's not your fault. I love you." I try to encourage him so he doesn't feel so bad.

"And I love you, sweetheart."

Happy Tuesdayy!

Kaira's POV: Ithildae

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