--Chapter Twenty-Four--

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Zane's POV

So much for that plan. I was trying to help her! I really was! This is never going to work! We are so close to finishing this project, and she is not helping at all.

Part of my brain urges me to just call scientists to come and force her on the bed so we can get this done. But another part urges me to not. To just let her go, or at least be gentle--or even kind-- to her. And you can guess which part I've been listening to.

I want to finish it. That's just part of my personality. Exploring, finding and discovering is what I live for. But I feel something different starting to take priority over that. Every time I look at Kaira I feel happy for some reason. Love is foreign to me, but I can still recognize it.

I don't want to threaten Kaira. My new personality as it would seem, is taking care of that. But I also want to finish this project.

In the end I find my old personality come back enough for me to try talking to Kaira again. This time with a slightly new approach. Standing up, I go back over to the room and open the door, "I need you to listen." I say before she can say anything.

She seems to be deciding whether to listen to me or not. Taking advantage of her hesitation, I start talking, "This is an important experiment and it could make history."

"Stop." It came out from her mouth like an icy dagger. Cold and piercing.

But I ignore it. I need to get this said, "You can either listen and do this peacefully,"

"Just stop!" she yells angrily.

"Or," I take no notice of her, "I can call some other people and we can do this forcefully."

I can see the struggle on her face clearly, "Explain. Then I'll decide." Her tone is still angry.

Finally! A bit of progress. Tiny, but still progress.

"This is an experiment to see if emotions can be harvested."

Shock registers on her face. "Not possible," she whispers.

I shake my head, "It is possible. And it's been done."

Hey guys! So so sorry for not updating in a really long time :( I'll try to be better about updating!

Zane's POV: Evara

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