--Chapter Seventy-Five--

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Kaira's POV

I still can't believe it. He's really gone.

I know it was stupid of me to give up, but my legs felt like lead. They wouldn't obey my commands and all I could do was weep. I had just gotten my father back and now he is gone for real.

Tears continue to stream down my cheeks without stopping, even as I am dragged down a flight of steps and into a dark room.

I feel empty. After all that has happened, there is nothing left inside me. Zane and Max are gone. My father is dead. And who knows what will become of me.

Vaguely I am aware of some men taking my hands and lifting them above my head. They close cold metal around my wrists and then let go. The metal around my wrists is attached to the ceiling and keep me on my feet unwillingly. All I want to do is lay down and curl up into a ball.

"You're gonna pay for causing so much trouble, girl," A man growls in my ear. Then the pain comes.

I feel my hands being lifted up higher into the air until I can no longer touch the ground. My arms are stretched painfully and I long to be able to touch the ground.

"Please..." I weep, tears covering my face.

"Oh, we haven't even started yet," someone says menacingly.

For an unknown amount of time, they hurt me. They cut me with some sort of knives at first, carving them deep into my face and arms as I cry loudly. Everything hurts so bad.

"Scream already!" one man goads angrily. But I don't have the energy in me to do as he says.

And when I don't it only infuriates them even more. My eyes are tightly closed, but they shoot open when a burning, hot pain shoots through my side.

Still, I don't scream. But when I look down I almost throw up. They burned me! My shirt is smoking and there is a hole in the side where they stuck a red hot rod onto my skin.

They still don't seem satisfied and one of them comes over to me with a knife, whispering in my ear, "I can make you scream, I think." My whole body shudders.

Suddenly, he jams the knife into my stomach and I do scream. I scream and scream louder than ever before, the pain demanding to be felt.

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