--Chapter Fifty-Five--

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Kaira's POV

Max and I sneak through the halls, being careful to avoid any contact with other people. He knows these halls so much better than I do and as a result we are making good progress. At least I think we are.

We round another corner into a different hallway when I think of something. If what I think is possible, then I may be about to make an awful mistake.

I pull on Max's hand that is entwined with mine, making him stop and turn to me.

"What is it?" he whispers.

"I... I need to know something."

He tilts his head slightly, waiting for me to continue.

"You know how they were taking my... emotions, right?" I have to speak slowly, so I don't get ahead of myself.

"Yeah..." he raises an eyebrow.

"Would it be possible to do the opposite and give someone certain emotions? Or maybe even take them away?"

"Well, I'm not a scientist, but from what I've heard I think it may be possible. At least, I think they're working towards something like that." Max says this all with honesty and I can't help but smile a little at him. He's risking everything for me, and yet I'm about to ask him to try something even worse that may end up with him getting killed.

"We have to go back," I blurt out suddenly, finally voicing my thoughts, "I have to know something."

Max shakes his head, "It's too late. I'm sure they already know you're gone so they can't be far behind. We have to keep moving."

"No. I need to know."

"Need to know what? What is so important that you want to risk getting captured again?" Maz asks, and I can tell he is becoming frustrated, "I'm trying to help you and I don't want you to get taken again."

I let go of his hand and turn my head so we are face to face. "Please, Max."

He looks into my eyes, seemingly searching for something. But what he does next I could never have imagined.

Slowly, he leans down and kisses me. He presses his soft lips against mine and soon I find myself kissing back. My determination is wavering more and more as Max runs his hand through my hair, pulling me closer to him.

Okay, guys, I'm curious how ya'll are reacting to #maira.... (I mean, I'm more of a #zaira shipper, but....)

So, about how random these updates have been... Basically my plan is to update whenever I can, but for sure on Tuesday or Wednesday. Sound good? okey.

Kaira's POV: Ithildae

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