--Chapter Fifteen--

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That man had helped me get free and now he was going to pay for it. Zane's comment confirmed it.

Now, from my hiding place behind them, crouching under a desk, I see the man who helped me, Jackson, turn around to face Zane. He looks fearful, but I can see he is doing his best to smother it.

Oh what have I done?

Zane's mouth turns upward in a malicious grin and I shudder. He is enjoying this!

Jackson balls his hands into fists before he speaks. "What are you talking about?" he says slowly.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. And I know you are lying." Zane crosses his arms expectantly. "Now, where is the test subject?"

I have a name, jerk!

Jackson's eyes flick to mine for just a split second and I hope Zane didn't see. "I d-don't know what you're talking about."

"Give it up. You are already in enough trouble," Zane growls.

Jackson swallows hard and I can see he is struggling within himself. He can't decide whether to give me up or not.

Zane doesn't seem to be in the mood to be patient and he takes a step towards Jackson. In response, Jackson steps backwards.

Then, before I can even blink, Zane has reached Jackson and has his arm wrenched behind him. I don't even know what to think. This man saved me, but now he is going to pay for it.

I want to help him, but my fear is paralyzing me. My muscles are tight and don't want to obey. They resist my orders, telling me I will fail and that I'm not strong enough.

But I ignore them.

Finally, I push away all emotions and come out from my hiding spot. "Release him," I order, trying to muster more courage and determination than I feel.

*gasps loudly* it's an update!!! If anyone is still interested in this story...

and look at that! It's another cliffhanger. >:)

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