--Chapter Ten--

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Kaira instantly tenses as she sees the needle Jack carries. I can see her try to struggle, but the straps hold secure.

Expertly, Jack injects the needle into Kaira's temple, and then steps back. Kaira makes a short cry of pain, before silencing herself. She glares at the man, clearly angry.

Quickly, I walk over to a new machine, which has just been pushed into the room. I glance at the screen, seeing how it is tracking the liquids' progress in Kaira's brain.

Finally, it's progress is done, and the liquids have completely permeated her brain.

"Now for the emotions," I murmur to my co workers. This is the time to see if this actually works.

They all nod, knowing what they're supposed to do. I push the machine to the very outside of the room, and then we all leave.

I click a button on the control pad, which activates a sort of invisibility cloak on the walls. What I mean is this: now we can see her. But she can't see us. And she doesn't know she can't see us, as the glass looks regular. On closer inspection you could probably tell that something wasn't quite right, but she is in no position to do so.

A couple of minutes tick by, designated to try and calm her. It will work best that way.

Once I deem enough time has passed, I nod at Kate, who nods and smiles at me.

Her job right now is to try to get Kaira to feel happy, secure, or some other positive emotion. Then the machine can do it's job and harvest the emotion. Simple. At least, it should be.

Kate opens the door and enters quietly, walking over to Kaira.

"Hello," Kate greets her, speaking a little slower than normal.

"What is happening?" Kaira's voice is pitched with fear and confusion.

I glance at Gabe, a worker who has a reading on the machine, "What is it showing?" I murmur quietly.

"It's all jumbled," his brow is tightened in focus.

"Tell me when you get a clear signal," I order him, and then turn my attention back to Kaira.

Kate obviously had said something, either avoiding the question, or soothing her fears. I'm not really sure which.

Hellooooooooo!!! :D

Zane's POV- Evara

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