Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Sehun's pov:

I woke up the next morning by sounds of shouting and quarrels from below. Turning to my left, Luhan was still fast asleep, drooling a little. Chuckling evilly, I took a picture of his 'vulnerable state'. He'd probably kill me if he found out.

The shouts could be heard once again and I frowned. For some strange reason, the voice resembled the baritone guy, Park Chanyeol. Not bothering to brush my teeth or get changed out of my nightwear, I tiptoed out of the room as silently as I could and crept downstairs.

"Your performance is coming up! There is no time to lose!" A man yelled, his eyes staring daggers at a Chanyeol who was pretending to mimic his bossy attitude.

"Sehun is injured, how the hell can he dance?" Baekhyun snapped, making Chanyeol grin (creepily) like a cheshire cat as he turned to the latter.

"I thought you said you didn't care about- "

"Shut up yeol." Baekhyun barked and turned his attention back to the man, who was tapping his foot impatiently.

"Manager listen up, we're not performing until Sehun gets well. You can go jump off a cliff for all I care." Baekhyun smirked when he saw a horrified look creeping up the man's face. He glared at the main vocalist before turning to Kai, who was resting on the couch emotionlessly.

"What do you think Jongin?"

Kai looked up from his seat blankly. "I..."

"Say it Kim Jongin!"

"Hey! No one disrespects my baby brother like that!" Baekhyun spat but he shut up when manager gave him a threatening look. He turned back to Kai.

"You were saying, Jongin?"

Kai opened his mouth to reply, but then clamped shut again. He sucked in a deep breath and looked manager in the eye firmly. "We're not gonna perform, whether you like it or not!"

"Okay, now leave." Chanyeol whooped as he ushered (more like shoved) the man out of the house, slamming the door shut behind him. He did the right thing, that man deserved no respect.

"You did well." Baekhyun comforted, patting Kai on the shoulder gently. "He's not gonna bother you again."

"Geez, ever since SM gave us another extra manager, I think none of us actually had a really good time performing." Chanyeol added, slumping down on the couch beside Kai. He placed his feet on the table, making Baekhyun scrunch his nose up in disgust.

"Before the accident, Sehun wanted me to help him brush up his moves in our solo part. Now dancing is just simply out of the question." Kai cupped his face, leaning his elbows on his thighs.

Time out.

"Morning!" I greeted chirpily, making my grand entrance. My eyes were still fixed on Kai, who seemed a little confused upon my arrival.

"Morning Sehun!" Chanyeol replied just as cheerfully as I was while Baekhyun refused to look at me. Folding his arms like a stuck-up he was, he left for the kitchen. "I'll help make breakfast."

Whatever, I couldn't be bothered, his secret was already revealed. He could just go on pretending but right now, I'm more concerned about Kai, who was still sighing to himself. Chanyeol seemed to get my intention because promptly excused himself.

"Good morning Sehun." Kai started after a moment of silence. He looked awkward, his arms half outstretched, reaching towards me. Rolling my eyes, I pulled him into a tight hug.

How could someone even be scared of a hug?

"So, are you free today?" I questioned and he eyed me expectantly. His lips curved upwards when he got my idea.

"You want me to hang out with you today?"

"I don't see why not." I shrugged and he beamed, placing a hand on my waist affectionately. "God Sehun, I think you just made my day."

"I'll make it better if we hang out." I winked and he chuckled, squeezing my hand even tighter than before.

"Count me in, I'd do anything for my dancing partner."

"What's going on guys..." I glanced up to find Luhan trudging down the stairs, rubbing his eyes tiredly. He then spotted Kai and me with our hands interlocked and his expression immediately darkened.

"Is there something going on between you two?" He scowled and I gulped, shaking my head vigorously.

"Hyung, you've mistaken!" Kai tried to reason, releasing his grip on me. "We were planning to go out today."

Luhan choked all of a sudden and when he finally regained his composure, he exclaimed. "No!" He clenched his fists and made his way down the stairs hastily. "You both aren't going anywhere, not after yesterday's fiasco."

"Why not hyung?" Kai implored, only to be given a death glare.

"Because I said so." Luhan bitched, plopping himself down on the couch and switching on the television.

"Pretty please?" I went up to him and chucked the remote control aside, giving his cold hands a tight squeeze. He didn't even look at me, his eyes still glued to the television screen with some young girl broadcasting the news.

"The exterior appearance of the word 'please' most definitely does not affect my decision." Luhan lamented, folding his arms unhappily, still watching the news intently.

Great, he'd rather watch some pretty girl than talk to me.

Tugging the sleeve of his shirt incessantly, I begged. "I'll be good, I swear." Kai behind me nodded eagerly as well, promising that the both of us would not misbehave at all. Or maybe a little wouldn't hurt.

"Gimme your phone." Luhan commanded after a few moments of pleading. Pouting, I handed him the gadget. After some furious typing on the touchscreen, he thrusted it back into my hands. "I gave you my number, call me if anything happens."

"So that's a yes?" My eyes widened in delight as he sighed, giving a small nod.

"But remember your promise." Luhan reminded but heck, I couldn't give one last look at what I said.

"I'm gonna get changed and afterwards, let's paint the town red!" I cheered as Kai and I raced up the stairs, getting ready for our day out.

< Meanwhile >

Luhan groaned, turning the television off.

"Ugh curse it, I shouldn't have given in."

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