Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

Sehun's pov:

"Are you cheating on me?" I hollered, staring daggers at him. The atmosphere around us became thick and it was so difficult for me to take a deep breath. The tension was killing me bit by bit as Luhan looked into my wavering eyes.

His voice were an agonised, breathless whisper. "What?"

"Are you?" My voice mirrored his.

"How could I ever?" His tortured voice was barely audible. "I love you, so so much. How could I cheat on you?"

"I'm sorry." I hissed through gritted teeth. "I overthought."

"Don't you love me Sehun?" He didn't drop the subject, seriousness and graveness still visible on his face.

I nodded meekly. "I do."

"Then prove it."

His words were followed by silence as we both stared, none of us breaking eye contact. The soft ticking of the wall clock could be heard as I subconsciously glanced down towards his lips. And back to his eyes. And back down.

"So are you gonna kiss me or not?" He breathed needily, shamelessly gawking at my lips.

This boy is just making me fall for him deeper and deeper-

I leaned in, resting a hand on his shoulder. Our noses were only a few centimetres apart as I tucked his fringe behind his left ear, where his silver ear loop was.

"Close your eyes." I commanded. My soft spoken words seemed to deal great impact on him as his eyelids immediately fluttered shut.

Reaching for the earring kept safely in my jeans' pocket (I returned the wedding box back to Eunhong), I made sure my lips brushed against his soft cheek. He whimpered and I swiftly unclasped his earring and replaced it with the one I bought.

"Why are you touching my ear?" He asked, eyes still closed.

"See for yourself." I crossed my arms and stood up straight. He opened his eyes and thumbed the new ruby on his ear. Lightly gasping, he spun around to face our dressing mirror and a large smile erupted as soon as he saw my present.

"It matches yours!" He commented gleefully, grinning at his left ear fondly.

I stated. "I thought rubies matched us pretty well... Not to mention the hexagon shape."

He looked up at me. "Hexagon... EXO..."

I returned his soft gaze, nodding.

"Thank you!" He gushed in happiness, completely forgetting about our small quarrel just moments ago. Slinking an arm behind my back, he drew me closer and eyed my lips. "And... are you gonna kiss me now?"

I smirked.

"Why not?"



I fiddled with my mask uncomfortably and watched Luhan take another sip of his taro bubble tea. I observed every detailed feature of him, from his soft honey blonde hair to his somehow crooked jawline. All the various flaws he had, they were deemed perfect in my opinion.

"Why aren't you drinking your bubble tea?" He implored, his eyes scrutinising mine lovingly. I shot him a quick smile and positioned my mask so as to take a big but fulfilling gulp of delicious goodness.

"You have really pretty eyes." Luhan complimented, his gaze still fixed on me.

"You're being stalker-ish." I chided teasingly at him and he humphed in reply, tugging down his mask.

"Shouldn't you say thank you?"

"Alright alright." His pouty face was making my heart melt by the second as I quickly waved him off. "You have cute eyes as well."

He looked outrageous, opening his mouth to shoot a complain.

"I'm not cute! I'm- "

"You're so chubby hyung."

Luhan gasped in mock anger. "I'm not cute, I'm manly." He protested, pinching my bicep. I groaned in pain and a huge satisfied grin erupted on his face.

I pouted unhappily and swatted his hand away, rubbing the sore part. He chuckled at my misfortune. Lightly glaring at him, I retorted. "Only when pigs fly."

"Haha. You're dead Oh Sehun." He smirked and rubbed his palms together evilly. Pinning me on the bed, he tickled my sides furiously.

"AAAH! St- stop!"

I blinked. "Sorry could you repeat what you just said Lu?"

He frowned, folding his arms against his chest. "I said I'm not cute, I'm manly."

Of course.

"When pigs fly hyung, when pigs fly." I joked and Luhan laughed.

"You used to say that whenever I claimed I was manly." He pursed his lips and stared at his half consumed bubble tea. Sighing dejectedly, he poked the taro pearls with his straw harshly, probably reminiscing the times before my accident.

"Come on." I pursed my lips and tugged his hand. "Don't think about the past, focus on me." I gestured to myself and to my hidden abs.

"My Sehun is so attention seeking." He gave in to my plea and cooed, brushing his fingers against my cheek affectionately.

"But it's true I want your attention." I shrugged my shoulders nonachantly and gave my brown hair a quick ruffle.

Luhan clasped a hand over his masked lips. "Wahh Sehun oppa is so handsome! Do it again!" He requested, batting his eyelashes repeatedly and twirling his none existent bangs.

"For you, anything." I flirted back and winked. His cheeks tinted pink almost immediately.

"Stop teasing! I was being sarcastic." He gritted his teeth and snatched my chocolate drink away, downing it down with a few big gulps. My eyes widened.

"You're so mean." I teared up, eyeing my empty and pathetic cup that was left with only a few pearls.

Upon realising my eyes watering, he rushed to apologize. "I'm sorry, I didn't know you'd cry and- "

He halted as soon as he saw a smirk curl into my lips. I put on my mask hastily just as he scowled at me. "You tricked me."

"Hey I bought both our drinks." I retorted in self defense and a full blown grin appeared on his face.

"Right, I haven't thanked you for- "

He was interrupted by the sudden buzzing of his phone that he had placed on the table moments ago. Before I could catch a glimpse of the caller ID, he snatched it away and glanced at me wearily.

And just like that, the atmosphere was ruined.

"I didn't see anything." I rushed to explain. He looked relieved as he promptly excused himself from the table. I stopped him, clutching his hand tightly and refusing to let him go.

"Whatever you have to speak, you can say it in front of me." I muttered and he tensed.

"I... "

"You don't trust me?"

"Fine." He bit his lip, plopping himself back down on the chair. With shaky hands, he flipped his phone over and heaved a sigh of relief. I raised a brow at his odd behavior and he quickly plastered on a comforting smile and answered the call.

Well at least I could confirm it wasn't the girl... Or guy who talked to him earlier.

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