Chapter 61

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Chapter 61

Luhan's pov:

Step 1 - FAILED.

My eyes creased, turning my body to the rest, who too, looked low spirited. Five pair of eyes watched Kai as he bowed apologetically at Sehun, muttering some incoherent words as his fingers reached for the door knob. After mumbles here and there, Sehun returned a curt nod of acknowledgement and waved the tanned male goodbye as he positioned his mask on, briskly walking out the door.

On cue, the five of us made eye contact again as Kris made a slight hand movement, jerking his thumb upwards. We got his point, trying to discreetly scramble back up to Chanbaek's room. We scurried in, Chen slamming the door shut behind us.

"Well that was intense." Baekhyun commented, running a hand over his forehead to wipe off imaginary sweat. Chanyeol flushed at the sight, handing his boyfriend a handful of tissues in attempt to help him freshen up. I giggled when Baekhyun stared at him sassily , before slapping his hand away, tissues falling onto the ground. It was a plain yet straightforward rejection to Chanyeol as he pouted but nonetheless, picked the napkins up and placed them on the nearby table.

"So Kai's gone, what do you suggest we do now?" Kris asked, his thick eyebrows furrowing instinctively. His eyed me, and I quickly shrugged my shoulders cluelessly.

"It's okay," The hyped up Byun Baekhyun announced, pouncing onto Chanyeol's back. "Channie baby and I have a plan B!"

"You do?" Chen sounded genuinely surprised as he stared at the couple in disbelief.

"But, it may require a hell lot of violence." Baekhyun continued nervously, directing his attention to me. "And that's why Luhan hyung will be charge of this specific part, where the members will fall his charisma!"

"I'm not exactly very confident in my charm- "

"Sehun won't be fond of this." Chen cut in.

" -exactly." I nodded, wanting to speak up for my safety. Once Tao lashes out his wushu stick, this plan is a no go. There was no way I would risk myself getting whacked by a martial artist and probably sent to a hospital.

"You guys are hinting at Tao again aren't you." Kris narrowed his eyes at the four of us, seeming to have read my mind. "I've told you countless of times that he's harmless."

"Only to you." Chanyeol sniggered, earning a punch from the chinese member. He cried out at the sudden blow whereas Baekhyun on the other hand was beyond horrified. He yanked Chanyeol aside, his other hand desperately waving us away. "We must be weary of wushu man's boyfriend as well!"

Chen and I, just to play along, scrambled away from Kris, who looked unbelievably amused. A small smile betrayed his lips as he chuckled, running a hand through his spiky black hair. Our gazes met and the next thing I knew, my butt flew off the ground. Literally.

"So what do you say Luhan?" Kris questioned, hauling me up from the floor and up to the bed beside him with his humongous and inhumane strength. "You've been rather quiet this entire time."

My shoulders sagged involuntarily at the thought of meeting a probably triggered Zitao. "I'll try my best."

"Then it's settled. The rest of us will head down to the living room later." Chanyeol announced, visibly pleased at his 'marvelous' plan. He then took a quick glance at his phone. "We have a few more hours before Kai comes back from his usual hangout with Taemin. Let's just slack now."

"Yeah!" Baekhyun lunged straight for the bed, landing flat on top of me and Kris. I let out a loud yelp of surprise as he started rolling over us to the side, making more space on the bed. Chanyeol and Chen then followed suit, (for Jongdae's case) removing his socks and shuffling under the covers. Our noses scrunched up in mild disgust at his abandoned footwear as he wiggled his toes flexibly.

On second thoughts, the plan didn't seem so bad since I could get to chill in bed with my best friends. Baekhyun already had his ipad prepared along with a packet of ruffles, where he stated that we would be netflixing until six, when Kai is expected to come back. Their confidence and positivity in everything we did was contagious.

Soon, a small spark of hope ignited in me as the odds began to fade into dust.

I can do it!



I can't do it.

Mentally groaning, I whipped out my phone for the umpteenth time. No message. The question has been prying my brains apart, pondering how on earth the four men (down in the living room) could actually take so long to set up the area. The rest of the members were all stuck here with me, awaiting the approval to go back downstairs. To say that they were a spoilt bunch of brats would be an understatement. They were absolutely despicable and horrendous, yelling and squealing, fooling around with Baekhyun's make ups and thrashing the bathroom with wet toilet paper. Even Suho, the one that I thought seemed mature, had been lured to the dark side by the evil unicorn that he undeniably has feelings for.

"哥! Can't you reveal your plan of having us all locked up in this cramped stuffy room?" Tao whined as he returned from the bathroom fiesta with Sehun, sitting a little close for my liking. The chances of him suddenly taking out a weapon is still very high, especially when he's doing aegyo to me. Like right now.

"I seriously have no idea what they're doing below." I inched a little further from him, placing my arms up in surrender. Tao eyed me sceptically, his fingers fishing for something in his pocket suspiciously. Sehun seemed to have sensed my horror as he swiftly trudged over to me and carried me up to the dressing chair, where he promptly rested me on his lap. Oh my feels!

"You sure you don't know anything?" He whispered into my ear, his soft, husky voice melting my insides. The skin around my neck prickled at his warm breath as a smile began to form. He then interlaced our fingers, pressing a quick kiss on my temple when I shook my head in response to his question.

Honestly, I liked how intimate Sehun was these days, we would always spend our time together cuddling up. Although the number of times we kissed (on the lips) has visibly decreased, I should be glad that Sehun has even been showing me affection. A part of me wondered if it had anything to do with my situation.

Maybe Sehun overheard my phone call with manager and had pieced the puzzle into a full picture. He probably figured out how in about three weeks time, I had to leave EXO. That may actually explain his sudden love and cling towards me. But nonetheless, we both have purposefully left out the topic of him avoiding me. It was still a big mystery why he had avoided me for so long just to hang out with Kai. This time, I'm assured Kai was not part of his plan. The dancer is already in a relationship with Krystal, and he wasn't that kind of two timers. Something must have caused him to draw a line between us. But now that the issue is solved, I forced myself to push the impending question away.

It was time to let bygones be bygones though I know the truth will never stop bugging me.

My phone buzzed.

Chanyeol - We're done.

Chanyeol - Bring them down.

"Alright!" My hands pushed Sehun's peering face away from my phone screen and loudly announced. "Let's head down in an orderly fashion now!"

"So organized." I heard the ever so messy Suho mutter as he let Lay interlock their fingers. Concealing a satisfied grin, he let the chinese member open the door as they trotted out of Chanbaek's room together. I had to bite back a coo, however letting out a soft aww that Sehun heard clearly.

"I know." He murmured into my hair as the last few members trailed out, leaving us all alone. "They're adorable."

I set my lips in a thin line, humming tonelessly and pulling him into a tight embrace. Fear still prevented me from doing anything from doing anything more than just hugging. My nose heaved in his scent as the aching heart stung slightly, wishing that I could forever remember this smell. For I know in less than three weeks, I'd never sniff it again.

My hands began to reach the corner of his face, gently stroking and feeling the soft skin. Under my touch, he seemed vulnerable, shutting his eyes as he let me do whatever I want. His prominent cheek bones, sharp jawline, small, defined lips, perfect eyelids... It'll all be gone one day.

And that's why, I had to memorise every feature of Oh Sehun.

Before it's too late.

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