Chapter 70

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Chapter 70

Luhan's pov:

Since young, I was never seen as a thug with a bad attitude. Back in school, teachers and peers adored and respected me. I was a model student who'd follow by the school rules. I never smoked, never did drugs, never lost my virginity. I was a pure kid with hardly any mean intentions. So it was until today, that I actually felt a tint of dread upon being caught red handed doing something wrong.

Sehun's eyes narrowed, his gaze fixated on the book in my possession. But before I could protest, he had walked over in large strides, yanking the object out of my hands. His rough actions scared me, since I had no vague idea on what he might do next. I had intruded his privacy, peered into his personal diary, and intended to keep it that way. It was no wonder why Sehun looked unbelievably furious. His fists was clenched into a tight ball and with a gruff, low voice, he demanded.

"How much of it did you read?"

Choosing to lie, I kept my mouth closed, shaking my head in denial vigorously.

"Don't lie." He opened the book, flipping about the the pages hastily. "You saw something, I know you did." He flipped to the entry written this morning, waving the page in my face accusingly. "You read it, I see a tear drop here."

My hands instinctively reached up to my cheek, and I was caught off guard by the moistness. The truth was bewildering and unknowingly, it had made me cry. Deciding to have a serious talk to Sehun since he already knew, I used the back of my hand to wipe my face, clearing my throat to sound fresher and firmer.

"Fine I admit, I did read it. What do you want now?"

"It's not what I want Luhan," Sehun's voice went an octave deeper. "It's what you want. You should learn to control your urges and not pry into my own things!"

I whipped my head at him with wide, disbelieving eyes. "Are you fucking me right now? If I hadn't read your damned diary, will you continue to keep this a secret from me?"

"Yes." His reply was instant, not one bit of hesitance was detected.

"You're so selfish." Tears welled up in my eyes once more. Deep inside, I was heartbroken. He kept such a big secret from me, and because of this matter, we had such much problems and conflicts. I had thought it was me who did something wrong, but who knew it was all his fault from the start. He made both of us suffer so much, just because he didn't want to tell me about his stupid, worthless memories.

"Selfish?" Sehun was boiling mad. His hands swept up to my shoulders, clutching them in a tight grip. "I think I'm far from being selfish! On the contrary, I'm the only one that's sustaining our broken relationship. Do I see you even trying to even fight for us? No! All you've done was break up with me, because you thought I'm cheating on you with Kyungsoo!"

"You know very well why I broke up with you." I dropped my voice to a low, solemn mutter. "I don't want any doubts and secrets between us. And I've already told you that I was willing to wait for you until everything is settled."

His hold on my shoulders hardened and slowly, pain began creeping into my muscles. In a failed attempt, I tried to shrug his hands off me but impossibly, he squeezed my flesh even harder. A whimper escaped my lips as I brought a palm up to his chest to hit him. "Let go of me now, I'm warning you." I threatened, when he didn't make any move to release me.

"If I let go, will you leave me?"

It took me a while before I could answer. "...No."

"Lies." Sehun roughly pulled myself closer to him, a nasty smirk plastered on his lips. "Did you forget the reason you came back for? I didn't think so." He chuckled sarcastically when I glanced away in shame. "You said months ago that you'd stay until I got all my memories back. Now that it's accomplished, you're going to leave, aren't you?"

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