Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Sehun's pov:

"So how are things between you and Luhan?" Xiumin pestered mercilessly.

I sighed again.

Squeezing out some whipped cream, I managed to make a squiggly design on my second coffee. I had already picked a well decorated styrofoam cup so it would be warm when I brought it back home.

"Sehun ah don't ignore me." He whined again and I finally reluctantly turned to him.

"Yes hyung?" I cleared my throat and tried not to sound so annoyed. All I wanted was to enjoy my day and not talk about a very attractive and charismatic boy.

What am I even saying?

"Let's talk about Lulu." He crossed his arms in attempt to look stern (but fails).

"There's nothing to talk about him." I stood my ground but Xiumin scoffed.

"Says the person who's making coffee for him."

"Who says the coffee is for him?" I retorted and he leaned over to look inside the cup.

"Don't lie to your hyung." He warned.

I shook my head.

"I'm not."

"Then why is Luhan's initials designed on the coffee?" He smirked when a horrified look crept into my face.


"Sorry hyung." I looked down in shame which just made him giggle.

"Do you remember the first time Luhan barged through the front door?" He suddenly asked.

I nodded meekly and he continued.

"Remember when he promised he'd help you regain your memories?"

I nodded again. That promise was sealed with our friendship.

"Remember when you pointed the finger- "

"Don't remind me about it!" I yelled, cutting him off.

He chuckled before patting my shoulder gently.

"Remember that night when he cried?"

I stiffened at his words. How could I ever forget that night? I was the reason why he cried... I don't think I can live with a clear conscience.

"You know what he told me when we went to the zoo a few days ago?" Xiumin started and I shook my head.

"He told me he forgives you for everything you ever did to him." Xiumin smiled gleefully. "He said he loves you."

Instantly, my stomach exploded into millions of tiny butterflies. I was taken over by a surge of happiness.

"I love him too, he's my favourite hyung." I rushed to answer.

"N- no Sehun, I don't think that's what he meant." Xiumin pursed his lips.

"The way he stares at you... Is the way I look at Jongdae." He mumbled so silently I had to strain my ears.

"What do you mean?" I questioned but was interrupted by Chen slamming the door open.

"Missed me Minnie?" He pounced onto the older's lap, making him blush.

"Get off... You're hurting me." Was all he groaned before Chen leapt out in fright.

"Did I squeeze you too hard?" Chen massaged Xiumin's neck and I coughed.

"Do note that what you said sounded a little wrong." I murmured and both their eyes widened.

"You're so dirty minded!" Xiumin slapped my arm and I laughed.

"As much as I wished it isn't..." Chen tapped his watch. "It's time to go."

"So I take it you enjoyed yourself today?" He winked and I nodded eagerly.

"Could you take me here again? To make more coffee and to see Taehoon?" I begged and he grinned.

"You don't even have to ask my boy." He ruffled my hair and I had to resist the urge to swat his hand away. I hated people touching my hair.

Quickly bidding Taehoon farewell and assuring him I would visit soon, we left the shop. On our way home in the van, I plugged in my earpiece and thought about what Xiumin said again.

And this time when I caught his eyes as he talked to Chen, I gasped.

His eyes were full of adoration.



"We're back!" Chen announced as we stepped into the front door.

"Welcome!" Suho greeted as he looked away from the news playing on TV. Beside him was Lay hyung who gave me a friendly wave, which I returned.

Tao and Kris were playing chess, with Chanbaek watching them intently. Kai and D.O were talking loudly in the kitchen, I didn't even have to enter to know.

But that left... Where's Luhan?

"I'll go to my room." I stated and Xiumin gave me a quick hug. As soon as he let go, I trudged up the stairs and opened the door to my room. There was Luhan sprawled on the bed, a phone on his hand.

"You're back!" His eyes lit up upon seeing me.

"Hi h- hyung." I stammered and locked myself in the bathroom.

Way to go Oh Sehun.

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