Chapter 48

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Chapter 48

Xiumin's pov:

Standing outside the door, my fingers trembled as they cautiously reached for the knob. I knew clearly that Chen was just right behind this very wooden door, the thought of it made my hands sweaty and heart pound continuously.

Was I ready to see him?

We had a fight. A fight that might actually cost us our friendship, our hidden romance.

He liked me.

He assumed I liked Luhan.

But I love him.

And I, was going to set things right.

Once again forcing myself to twist the doorknob open, I found my hand just glued to the piece of cold metal. I had lost my nerve senses, even my hand refused to open the damn bloody door.

"You don't have to force yourself you know?"

I nearly tumbled backwards at the sudden voice coming from inside the room. He knew I was outside all along, but didn't say a single word.

"Ch- Chen?" I pushed the door open in fear, finding the boy leaning against our closet door, his knees tucked up to his chest. His bloodshot eyes slowly glanced upwards, meeting mine briefly. He looked back down at his fidgety hands.

"You didn't have to come up to talk." He started again, swiping his fake nerdy spectacles up such that it was resting on the top of his head.

"I wanted to." I explained, taking a step forward. Chen's puffy eyes widened as his pressed himself further against the wall.

His voice shook. "D- don't come any closer hyung!"

I stopped, but opened my mouth to explain.

"Chen, you don't understand. I- "

"NO!" He shrieked, reaching out for a pair of scissors that so coincidentally happened to be resting on the mini table beside him. Pressing the sharp blade on his left wrist, he threatened.

"Take another step forward, and I'll cut myself."


"Do it."

Please don't.

"I know you won't."

Please don't do it.

Behind the tough exterior of my firm, steady voice, was the vulnerable side of me, the one who was so scared, so afraid of losing him. We had knew each others for far too long, only staying as friends. Our hidden romantic attraction towards one another was accumulated over the years, it was simply unbearable right now.

"Put the scissors down." I was genuinely surprised how my voice sounded so grave. It scared me, let alone the younger.

"I- " He choked. The scissors dropped to floor with a loud clang just as he cupped his face and sobbed into his hands. I stood there rooted to the ground, taking in the sight of his shaking shoulders and occasional gasps of deep breaths.

"I don't know what's wrong... With me." He cried, his voice slightly breaking half way speaking.

My heart broke. "You're not suicidal Chen." I whispered, edging myself closer to the crying boy. "You're confused, that's all."

He remained quiet, dumbfounding me. For that moment of time, we both didn't say a single word. Until I realized, the reason he kept quiet, was an attempt to stop the overflowing tears. They kept rolling down his cheeks, like a never ending river.

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