Chapter 56

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Chapter 56

Luhan's pov:

Okay honestly, it was a dick move to go back upstairs because I stopped directly outside Xiumin's door, realizing that I had forgotten to fetch him aspirin and water. And not to mention my mood was not stable at this moment, knowing that my boyfriend had kind of indirectly dumped me. So going back downstairs to meet him and his new sex partner was not exactly ideal in my opinion.

When I had went back downstairs, Sehun and D.O was in some kind of a heated conversation. It was mainly consisted of Sehun blabbering on and on about what had just happened and the other who was blinking confusedly, still trying to absorb whatever he was saying. If you'd ask me, I think it's pretty dumb to not know how his third wheeling had been brutally exposed. However, it was D.O who had spotted me coming down the stairs, in which he had quickly silenced Sehun. The two of them then turned their attention to me and I chided myself internally for making my grand entrance known when I could have heard more details about them.

"Hyung, I..." Kyungsoo's voice trailed off as I walked past him briskly, not bothering to even spare him a glance. Turning down the corner, I was about to walk into the kitchen but my feet halted. A small figure had suddenly zoomed ahead, blocking my path.

"Sorry Luhan hyung." D.O shrugged, leaning a hand on the closed kitchen door. "You're not allowed to enter the kitchen just yet." I bet he just didn't want me to see more dirty stuff. From behind, I heard Sehun trudging up. A quick whiff of his scent was enough to know that he was standing directly beside me.

"I just need some aspirin and a glass of water." I sucked in a deep breath, trying to plaster on a calm facade.

"I'll get it for you then." D.O offered immediately. Not even waiting for my reply, he entered the kitchen, leaving only Sehun and I standing quietly along the corridor. Awkward silence. None of us spoke a word, not inclined to break the thick tension.

"A- are you feeling sick?" A pair of warm but trembling hands reached up my waist, holding it firmly. "What do you need the medicine for?"

"Why do you even care?" I barked back, slapping his hands away from me and taking a step back, distancing myself away from him. The fact that those hands could be somewhere really inappropriate just now had disgusted me. A look of hurt brushed past his face upon my words, but he quickly covered it up by looking away. Like he had any reason to be sad about, I was fucking cheated on! He should be feeling guilty, not upset! A part of me still wished that this was some sort of misunderstanding, but seeing how Sehun hadn't denied a single word I had accused him of...

"Here you go." D.O thankfully returned with the said glass of water and the aspirin. He carefully dropped the pills onto my palm before patting my shoulder, his voice coated with what seemed like sincerity. "I hope you feel better."

He's indirectly asking me to get over my relationship.

The nerve of him.

I gritted my teeth. "I will." With that said, I marched heroically up the stairs back to Xiumin's room, the items locked in my hands. At least I could show the whore of my boyfriend that someone actually needed me.



"Wakey wakey." A soft gentle voice lulled me to consciousness as I rubbed my eyes blankly, trying to figure out where I was. Xiumin beside me chuckled at my dazed expression, giving me a light slap on the cheek.

"Hey!" I cried, the prickly pain on my skin making me wince. "You didn't have to get all violent you know?"

"You looked stupid so I was obliged to do it." Xiumin snorted, sniggering when I had shot him a death glare. The next thing I knew, a soft pillow was swung onto my head. It wasn't painful, in fact it had knocked out all the sleepiness in me, which was a good thing. Grinning, I reached out for Chen's pillow and whacked it back on him. The defiant Minseok of course yanked it back into my face. Soon after, we had collapsed onto the bed in peats of laughter.

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