Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Sehun's pov:

The next morning came really quick. I woke up feeling fresh and energized whereas Luhan on the other hand was quite the opposite. He was snoring lightly with his mouth gaped open. I clasped a hand over my mouth to stiffle back a giggle when I saw how he drooled a little near the corner of his mouth. His left hand subconsciously reached up to scratch his butt cheek and this time, I could no longer hold in my laughter as I snapped a picture of his vulnerable self. Luhan frowned in his sleep and shifted towards the left, overlapping my sleeping space, as if he seemed to know how I illegally took a photo of him.

Last night, he complained about how cold it was and to make him feel better, we snuggled under the covers, arms wrapped around one another. It then became an amazing rest for me. A smile formed onto my lips when I remembered how warm his body was. He was really warm... In a nice way. It was true that the night was unbelievably cold, but with him beside me, the icy tingly feeling was replaced by tender warmth.

"Morning Sehunnie." I took no notice of when Luhan had awoken. His sudden greeting made me jump a little but I pretended to act as if I hadn't been observing his adorable sleeping ways. I quietly greeted him a good morning and we both headed ways, him taking a quick shower and me brushing my hair.

When we were both done with our morning clean up, we headed downstairs for breakfast, which was a pretty good idea because darn I was starving.

"Hyungs." I addressed politely but none of them payed any attention to me, still pigging out on the breakfast D.O prepared. Who wouldn't anyway? It was a simple western breakfast of scrambled eggs and ham. And kimichi. But nonetheless, the pang of hurt still stung badly, being ignored by everyone because of food.

"Ahh Sehun!"

Upon plopping myself down on a seat, Tao called me.

"Who're you gonna hang out with today?"

Almost instantly, everyone stopped eating and stared at me, anticipating my reply.

Forcing the urge to roll my eyes at the sudden change of attitude, I paused to think as to how I should answer Tao's question. Luhan beside me squeezed my thigh reassuringly, it made my stomach flutter.

"Tao then, since he was the only one that talked to me." I shrugged nonanchantly, causing the rest to groan in dismay. Luhan too, pouted and removed his hand from my leg. Tao was the only one who seemed to grin like chesire cat, making a quick cheese sign.

"But Sehun! I talked to you first in the morning!" Luhan protested, pretending to cry. "This is unfair!"

"I made you breakfast." D.O pointed out and I rolled my eyes.

"My decision is final."

Admitting their fate, everyone's unhappy murmurs died down as we continued eating. Just then, Tao stood up abruptly and chucked a forkful of bacon onto my plate. I raised an eyebrow questioningly at him and he rubbed the nape of his neck.

"You love meat."

This panda...



After hours and hours of debating, Tao finally decided to take me to the zoo. If you asked me, I think it was a great idea, but others didn't think so. Kris and Baekhyun initially wanted to go shopping, majority wanted to go bowling. Luhan just said he'd go wherever I'd go and that honestly made me feel good. But in the end, Tao shut everyone up, claiming he was the only one who could pick our destination since today was his bonding time with me. And tada, here we are, at the public zoo... Didn't seem very public though.

"Separate into pairs." Suho ordered just as Chanyeol and Baekhyun held up their interlocked hands.


"Well done." Suho praised awkwardly but turned to the rest of us who were still discussing who to pair up with.

"I'm pairing with Sehun!" Tao announced, latching his arm around mine. Luhan looked mortified as he added.

"Me too!"

"Sorry hyung," Suho sighed pitifully. "Sehun chose Tao today."

Luhan pouted and shot me a sad smile. I returned one just before his attention was directed to the Xiumin who decided to partner him. I was genuinely surprised that Xiumin would ditch Chen for his old friend. I'd always thought he and Chen were inseparable. I watched as Xiumin nipped Luhan's nose affectionately while he blushed at the skinship. Huffing, I seethed.

Speaking of which, Lay probably felt bad for Chen because he walked over to the latter, grinning and patting his back, signalling for him to pair up together. The younger nodded eagerly, pointing to some random footpath and describing something with glee.

Manager had already pre-booked this entire zoo so I believed it would be vacant... Apart from the animals and some VIP members (which were mostly middle aged couples in their late forties and fifties). Moments later, the groupings were decided. Kris and Suho would be watching the crocodile show which was starting in ten minutes just as they rushed off hastily.

Baekhyun and Chanyeol already headed off, claiming that they were about to feed turtles... That is if there were any turtles.

Chen and Lay just decided to walk around and chance upon something interesting. Perhaps, some stray peacock that escaped it's enclosure. Why not? It's possible.

Kai and D.O were going for the elephant rides... the one I actually wanted. I sighed longingly as they trudged off excitedly, D.o flailing his arms in the air comically.

"Luhan! Let's see the deers!" Xiumin whined and tugged his shirt incessantly. I scowled, but Luhan didn't seem pissed at the older's actions. Instead, he nodded and took a sip of his bottled drink, briefly turning towards me.

"Have fun today... okay?" He screwed the cap back and dumped the bottle into his mini backpack. I reached up to him for a hug.

"Don't try to miss me that much hyung." I whispered back and he shoved me gently.

"Why would I? I have my baozi to entertain me!" He gestured to his partner was already all fidgety and elated to see the bucks and does. His words however made deep impact on me as I caught a frown creeping up my face. It didn't make me really happy knowing that Xiumin could keep his spirits up high the entire day while I was stuck with another guy.

"I'll make a move first Sehun ah." Luhan bid me a farewell as he and Xiumin began heading down the most secluded pathway down the corner. I wouldn't have even noticed that it was there.

Tao nudged me, breaking me out of my pathetic trance. "You ready?" He waggled his eyebrows playfully.

"Where would you wanna start?" I asked.

"Pandas enclosure."

Of course.

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