Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Sehun's pov:

Chen stood behind me, watching my every movement tentatively for fear I make another mistake. As I washed the handful of beans, he stopped me.

"Sehun ah, you're using too much coffee beans."

I smiled at him and his eyes glistened, finally understanding my plan.

Motioning me to continue, I then started to grind the beans into powder. Soon, I reached the final step. Taehoon had already cleared up all the glass pieces (rather efficiently) but I was still a little nervous.

"Don't worry Sehun." Chen placed an arm around me, probably sensing my slight discomfort. "Hyung will save you if anything happens."

My heart fluttered and I teared a little at his words but I tried to cover it up.

"Troll." I whispered to him and he blushed.

Playing the mega sized cup under the water dispenser, I pressed the button and withdrew my hand immediately. Biting my lip to stop myself from squealing in happiness, I watched as the water successfully dissolved the coffee powder. I had officially made a cup of coffee!

"YES!" Chen cheered out loud and in a spur moment of elation, I hugged him.

"Thanks hyung."

"Your welcome Sunshine." He ruffled my hair affectionately. And just then... Xiumin entered.

"Excuse me?" He cleared his throat and Chen backed away slowly, fearful.

"Sehun-ah." Xiumin ordered. "Come give hyung a hug."

Speechless, I trotted over to him and he wrapped an arm around me, patting my back gently. From the corner of my eyes, I saw Chen looking upset and enviously at us. Then it dawned upon me what Xiumin's plan was.

He wanted to make Chen jealous.

"Chen?" He asked and was replied with a hmph from the latter.

"Come gimme a hug as well."

Instantly, Chen leapt out of his seat and lunged himself to his hyung, nuzzling his cheek on my shoulder. And suddenly, I felt really awkward.

"Umin hyung!" I yelled and he jumped, releasing me and Chen.

"Could you teach me how to put icing on the coffee?" I asked as innocently as I could.

"Yeah... No problem." He replied rather distractedly and reluctantly looked away from Chen.

"Bye Minseok." Chen waved as Xiumin lead me out to the icing room.

"That's hyung to you." Was all the older retorted and I chuckled. The two of them were so sweet.

"A penny for your thoughts?" A voice asked. I looked up from the floor and found Xiumin setting up all the stuff on the table, including all the different types of icing.

I had to admit that my mouth watered a little, that's the perks of having a sweet tooth. But then again, I forgot something.

Quickly scanning across the room, I spotted a stack of styrofoam cups.


Getting a cup out, I emptied out some coffee into it. I fastened the cap tight befofe turning to my 'instructor'.

"Xiumin hyung..." I pestered. "Can we start now?"

"We can, except what were you doing just now?" He was sitted on a wooden chair, legs crossed, and staring at me.

"Why did you make so much coffee?" He stood up and stared at my half filled cup.

"I... Wanna bring some back..." I murmured but it just made Minseok smirk.

"I understand... I understand..." he hummed and laid out the table.

"So what you have here is whipped cream." He pointed out. I watched as he squeezed out some cream like stuff onto his coffee. He then took a toothpick (or at least that's what I think it is) and started drawing small patterns. And when the final product was presented... My jaw kinda dropped.

"It's... Pretty decent..." I praised and he slapped my arm.

"Only pretty decent?"

"Fine..." I whined. "It's really nice."

Xiumin nodded, satisfied.

"Your turn." He handed me the whipped cream.

Okay... How did Umin hyung did at first?

Tentatively, I squeezed a little whip cream on my coffee. Grabbing a toothpick (I really don't think that's what it is), I started designing.

"You have talent Sehun." Xiumin encouraged me. I was pretty sure what was supposedly my name looked like a wriggly worm.

"Done." I slumped back in my seat, refusing to take another look at my masterpiece.

"Well, you're done!" He grinned. "Drink up."

"Cheers!" I clinked cups with him and gulped down the coffee. I could feel the warm liquid sliding down my throat whereas Xiumin laughed at my reaction.

"Taste good doesn't it?" He chuckled and I nodded sheepishly.

"Better than bubble tea?" He teased and my eyes widened.

"Never." I shook my head firmly, which just made him laugh even louder.

"Now..." He started after calming down from his giggling fiasco.

"Let's talk about him."

"About who?" I raised a brow, confused.

He smirked.


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