Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Sehun's pov:

"Awww! So adorable!" Tao cooed at the baby panda right beside the glass enclosure. It was busy chewing on a bamboo pole gingerly with its newly grown teeth, completely ignoring the twenty four year old complaining about how he was about to die from excessive cuteness. Whipping out his phone, he took a quick selca. Looking satisfied with the couple of pictures he caught, his eyes glistened. I was about to ask when he suddenly pulled me beside him, snapping a picture.

Well now it was a wefie.

"Delete it." I demanded as soon as he loosened his grip on me. I looked horribly unglam, my mouth was gaped open, completely unprepared. My eyes were not focused on the camera either, not to mention the ugly baby panda was still nibbling on the bamboo stick, not caring much about anything related to us. Much to my surprise, Tao just stuck out his tongue at me and stuffed his phone deep in his jeans pocket. Narrowing my eyes at him, he just smirked evilly and dragged me to where the other fully growned pandas were located.

Good thing, I could confirm he wouldn't post it on any social media. He wouldn't inform his or my fans that we were currently spending time together. That would be disastrous for EXO since my accident and the return of our three ex members were supposed to be confidential.

Unless he's that dumb.

Like pandas.


Tao finally gave up begging the caretaker open up the cage to let him play with the pandas and only after that, I managed to persuade him to move on. He humphed grumpily but allowed me to drag him away from the enclosure. But thankfully after wasting away the hour, I still managed to some small benefit. Tao said he loved gucci and pandas (no shit sherlock). Heck, he could even tell me what I liked, what I disliked.

"To be honest," he broke our comfortable silence. "I've missed the times with EXO.."


"In the past, you either hung out with Kai, Chanyeol or Luhan hyung. You didn't really socialise well with the rest of us."

I didn't speak a word as he continued, sighing dejectedly.

"That's why how you actually wanted to spend time with everyone of us really came as a shock." He threw his head back in laughter and clutched his stomach, his eyes reflecting completely opposite though.

"I'm so sorry." The tension in the air was piercing and the apology actually sounded pretty insincere and uninterested. Nonetheless, the small smile visible on Tao's face was strikingly radiant as he slapped my back playfully.

"We're supposed to have fun right?" He grinned and holding my hand like an overly protective big brother, we made our way to the dolphin aquarium. There in the glass tank were a family of dolphins swimming and gliding through the water gracefully, occasionally leaping up to catch some air.

"Awww they're so kawaii!" Tao squealed and thrusting out his phone to me, he begged me for a picture. Of course being the nice guy I am, I willingly obliged. Well, that was until one of the dolphins poked its snout onto Tao's head, making him scream like a girl as he leapt away.

"How did it even touch my head!?" He barked accusingly at the dolphin which swimmed away instantly after being rudely addressed.

I gestured to the glass tank. "It's an open top."

"Let's go see the seals." He hmphed unconvincingly and dragged me over to where the lion seals were. If you asked me, I'd prefer seals much more to dolphins. They were adorable, and their eyes were just so pretty in a special way. A movement made my eyes turn to the glass tank. A seal with a lovely shade of brown was gliding over. It seemed to make eye contact with me as it hopped onto the surface and balanced a small pink ball on its snout.

"Amazing." I murmured in awe and unknowingly, stumbled closer to the animal.

"WAHH!" Tao squealed femininely, making me stop in my tracks. "So cute!" He handed me his phone again before rushing over to get a position beside the seal.

A part of me actually wished the cute water dog would just swim away and not fulfil Tao's wants. Of course that was mean and I didn't voice it out.

I cleared my throat, adjusting the camera at the posing boy. "One... two... thre-"


I was interrupted by Tao yelling again.

"What now?" I snapped irritatedly, as the tanned boy scurried over to me, disgust written all over his face.

"It splashed water on me!" He stuck out his tongue at the flappy seal which just flicked its tail in response, making me laugh.

"I want a photo with it." I passed Tao my phone and he shrugged.

"You'll get wet, mark my words." Was all he said while I made my way to the glass tank where the seal was 'waiting'. I smiled at it (though I'm sure it wouldn't understand) and posed for my picture.

"One... two..."

I felt something wet on my head but gulping I just shrugged it off.

"Three!" A snap from the camera was heard and Tao hopped towards me, waving my phone in the air.

"It touched you!" He returned my phone and I smiled when I saw the picture. The flappy seal balanced its ball onto my head. So that was why I felt wet on the head...

I turned back to look for the seal but of course, it was long gone.

Such a shame.

"Higher Xiumin!" I heard a request as Tao and I whipped our heads to the direction of the sound. And I wished I didn't.

There was Xiumin hyung cradling Luhan in a hug. Immediately, there was anger bubbling in me.

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