Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Sehun's pov:

That night when I finally finished brushing up, Luhan was already asleep in bed, snoring lightly. Of course the next morning when I woke up, he was still sleeping. It was like he was an innocent child who still needed eleven hours of sleep.

"Hyung... wake up." I shook him gently and slowly, his eyes fluttered open and resting onto mine.

"Morning Sehun." He mumbled groggily though his big brown orbs spoke otherwise.

"I can already smell D.O making breakfast." He finally broke our silence, staring into my eyes.

"I know..." I murmured and he smiled.

"I had a great sleep yesterday... I dreamt about you!" He started and I grinned.

"What was it about?"

"About the twelve of us having a picnic... like we were one." He mumbled the last part and I quickly gave his hand a tight squeeze.

"We are one."

Glancing up at me, he gave me a weak smile before his gaze was directed to my lips. Ever so slowly, he leaned in closer. Unknowingly, I shuffled in my seat and leaned a little closer. 

"Sehun-ah..." he whispered and I had to pull back. This was wrong. What were we even doing... being so close and intimate like that?

His face morphed into obvious hurt and I instantly regretted it.

"Hyung..." I quickly placed a hand over my nose, racking my brains to find an excuse. "You have morning breath."

The next thing I knew was him pushing me away and him jumping into the bathroom and locking it, leaving me laughing and rolling on the floor.



As we headed down for breakfast when we were done brushing up, I couldn't help but realise that the hall was interestingly quiet. It was usually noisy and bustling with gossips and laughter. Much to my surprise, I saw the members sitting down and chewing their food silently, some not even eating.

"Morning hyungs..." I chirped, only earning a small nod from Chanyeol.

"Okay guys, spit it. What's wrong with everyone today?" Luhan beside me questioned.

"Suho is down with flu." Kris answered monotonely, making Luhan gasp involuntarily.

"None of us now have the mood to go to the street market like what we planned yesterday." Kai added.

"It just isn't the same without EXO's mom." Baekhyun sighed.

Then, it struck me. This could actually work!

"You guys go on ahead, I'll stay home with Suho hyung." I suggested, making everyone stare up.

"What for?" D.O asked, with an eyebrow raised.

"Well, since you guys have plans, then go ahead. I'll stay with him and at the same time bond with him." I shrugged but Luhan squeezed my shoulder.

"Suho is sick. What if you fall ill as well?" He hissed into my ear.

"That's right. Suho is sick, that's why he needs someone to take care of him." I stuck to my point and Luhan grunted, exasperated.

"So it's settled, I'm staying with Suho hyung. You guys go ahead."

"But- " Lay started but was cut by Luhan.

"No buts."

Turning to me, Luhan smiled bashfully. "I may not agree with you, but I shall support your decision."

At his words, my heart fluttered with delight. Of course, I tried not to show it.

"Thanks hyung." I grinned widely at him.

"The hunhan ship is sailing!" Chen suddenly cheered, resulting in an awkward moment.

"Shut up troll." Xiumin broke the silence, and once again the tension was broken by all eleven of us laughing.



Luhan wanted to stay home with me at first but everyone persuaded him to go. Honestly, I was a little sad he had to leave but... It was bonding time between me and Suho.

After a tight farewell between Luhan and me, I found myself all alone. Pressing my lips together, I brushed off the demoralising feeling. I had a set of instructions given by Kyungsoo. If I follow that, I'm pretty sure I could take care of Suho.

Heading towards the kitchen, I spotted the pot of chicken soup. I turned on the stove and started heating up it up. A few minutes later, I had everything prepared. A bowl of soup and a piece of bread with the utensils placed neatly on the side. Bringing the tray up, I knocked on the door.

No reply.

Swallowing, I twisted open the knob to find him curled up into a tiny figure under the covers.

"Hyung..." I gently shook him. "Time for lunch. You already slept through breakfast."

"I'm... Not hungry." He mumbled, his voice raspy and hoarse unlike his usual calm and soothing one.

"I insist. D.O and Lay made this for you." I added but Suho just hmphed in reply.

"They didn't even get to eat because of you."

"What?" He sat up and glanced at the bowl of soup.

"They spent the entire morning brewing it."

Technically, I wasn't really lying... Was I? Lay couldn't really down his breakfast, being way too worried about him.

"Alright... I'll eat it." He groaned in distaste.

"For Yixing." He stated and stuffed the spoonful into his mouth. And swallowed it successfully.

"I'll feed you hyung." I offered and took the spoon from his trembling hands.

"Afterall, I supposed you got the flu because you sheltered me and Tao yesterday."

"Not bad Sehun... Being such a filial son when your mom is sick." Suho teased, before choking and coughing.

"I think you mean otherwise, son." I smirked. "I'm the mom taking care of her son."

"The roles have been switched, hyung."

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