Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

Sehun's pov:

"Yeoboseoyo?" Luhan answered and I watched as his lips curved upwards as he started conversing on the phone, leaning back on the seat. Judging from how casual he seemed, it should be someone he knew, a friend perhaps. Or worse, the guy he's 'cheating' with.

"Who is it?" I mouthed a little grumpily and Luhan paused to ask the caller to hold up for a moment.

"Housephone." Turning back to me, he replied. I nearly choked on the last taro pearl I secretly stole from his drink and he frowned disapprovingly at me. "Why?"

"Is it Chanyeol hyung?" I quickly made up an excuse to be concerned about his call.

"Why do you ask?"

"Uhhh..." I scratched the nape of my neck nervously. I clasped a hand over the speaker of his phone just in case the person in the call was really who I thought it was before whispering to Luhan. "I may or may not have tossed his bunny slippers somewhere..."

I really did hid his slippers in our room somewhere Luhan didn't realise.

Luhan held back a laugh just as the muffled voice from the phone came asking if he was there.

"Sadly, it's him." He smirked at my distraught face and hastily apologized to Chanyeol for making him wait so long.

Nevermind, my death will come sooner or later.

"So what's up?" Luhan started, tapping his fingers on the table rhythmically. I tried to get my mind off the phonecall by looking at the woman managing the counter. She had this grouchy face always plastered on but her drinks were delicious. She thrusted the change into a customer's hand and turned to prepare the signature milk tea he requested for.

Wow, that's so interesting.


"Hold up, repeat what you just said." Luhan's fierce and commanding voice made me turn my attention back. Something was up. I opened my mouth to speak but he gestured for me to keep silent, placing a finger on his (oh so soft) lips.

Hastily, he ended the call and chucked his phone into the back of his jeans pocket. "We have to go, now."

"Why? What happened?" I questioned as he held my wrist tight and dragged me to the parking lot where our driver was waiting. Pushing me up the black van, he sat down beside me and ordered the driver to bring us back home this instant. He probably noticed Luhan's stern and grave face because he didn't reply and started the engine immediately, driving off.

"What happened Luhan?" I begged him to tell me and finally he tossed his head to glance at me, his eyes red rimmed with tears.

"Kris got into an accident."



Tao's pov:

"Do you think he needs a doctor?" Kai asked wearily, tugging the hem of Chen's shirt anxiously but the elder simply shot back a nasty comment.

"Don't be stupid, he needs to be  freaking hospitalized."

Kai released his grip and fell silent, staring down at the floor. The room was still, all except for the soft moans and groans from Kris resting on the bed. Xiumin was rinsing a cloth in the tub of water prepared by Chanyeol as he gently placed it on Kris' forehead.

"Ow." Kris winced as the icy cold cloth brushed past his wound, his hands squeezing the bed sheet as hard as he could.

"The blood is still flowing." Baekhyun panicked. His boyfriend sighed and wrapped an arm around him comfortingly. "I've already contacted Luhan, they should be back soon."

And it made me wonder, what if Kris was gonna die? Would I lose my boyfriend? Who was gonna make me fell better when I'm down? This made tears spring up into my eyes as I swiftly batted them away.

"Where's Kris?" The door suddenly slammed open as hunhan raced in, Luhan still wearing his unremoved squeaky sneakers. Sehun spotted the blood stains on the bed and floor and gasped, clasping a hand over his lips.

"Is he okay?" Luhan implored, turning to Lay who had been as quiet as a log since the accident. Yixing sighed.

"If I was a unicorn, I would have healed him."

But he wasn't.

Sehun was still glued to the floor, unable to take in the gory sight before him. I slowly trudged towards him and patted his shoulder to distract him.

"He's not gonna die... Right?" He whimpered and I sniffed in reply. He was deeply injured, but that stupid good for nothing leader of EXO said it wasn't necessary to send him to a hospital and let the paparazzi know.

My foot.

This was my boyfriend we were talking about. EXO's fame was still far more important than Kris' life. And if he doesn't make it through today... I will never ever forgive Suho.

"Soo, he's not gonna die right?"  (The god damned annoying) Kai tapped D.O's shoulder.

Exactly what I was worrying about.

"YOU IDIOTS!" Before D.O could reply, he was cut off by a very very shocking and loud voice. Xiumin took a deep breath as he lowered his volume, realising how he had went too overboard.

"He merely fell down from the bed and knocked his head against the table! How the hell is he gonna die?"

Oh boo, he spoilt my beautiful drama scene.

"But there's blood." Baekhyun pointed accusingly at the puddle of red stains on the floor and Xiumin facepalmed.

"I'll be fine guys." Kris choked and my feet grew a mind of its own and headed over to where he was resting. Taking his cold hands in mine, I stroked his rough and calloused palm.

"Taozi, nothing's gonna happen to me." He smiled weakly and gave our hands a gentle squeeze. I'm unconvinced.

"Sehun." Kris beckoned and the youngest of us all stepped forward, his legs still a little jelly.

"Remember what I showed you that day with me?"

Sehun paused, but then briefly nodded, giving me a quick glance. My eyes narrowed at the maknae just as I noticed Luhan glaring at my injured boyfriend.

Was it something to do with me?

What did Kris show him?

His dick?

Can't be.

"If I do die, remember to pass it to Tao for me." He grinned when Sehun nodded again, this time much firmer.

"I just said you're not gonna die." Xiumin growled and Kris put his hands up in mock surrender. I cleared my throat and he turned his attention back to me.

"What are you going to give me?"

"You'll know soon." Came his immediate reply and I frowned, unlatching my hands from his and folding them. "You're not doing anything behind my back are you?"

"I will never, and besides," Kris tried to cover up his slightly red cheeks with his blanket as he snuggled underneath it. "I'm pretty sure you'd like that present."

"And Mr Oh Sehun." Chanyeol broke up our tender moment with a evil sneer on his face. "I wonder where I found this?" He waved a pair of bunny slippers in his hand and Sehun cussed.


He scrammed.



So who do you think is Sehun gonna hang out wif in the next chapter? And what will they be doing?

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