Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

Sehun's pov:

"You made a good choice Sehun ssi." Eunhong commented as he started polishing the tiny ruby in his hands. "This was just imported, one of my newest products here."

"I love it." Grinning lovingly at the shiny pair of earrings, I brushed a hand though my conditioned hair.

It was nothing too sophisticated, just a simple ruby in a hexagonal shape. Yet, it symbolized so many things... The hexagon represent EXO and the fact that there was only one pair made it even more special. It was solely made for Luhan and me. Only us. Together, EXO, the twelve of us will continue to live on, even though separated.

"Why did you pick red?" Kris asked as he skimmed though a box of cartilages. "There were opals, amethysts, even jade!"

"I wanted white." I admitted. "But Luhan already had a similar one. The only other colour that matched both me and him was red."

He doubled back in laughter. "No wonder you didn't get the emerald one. Remember how horrible you looked in my green shirt?"

"Kris hyung!" I yelled, slamming the door to his room wide open. "Do you have any baggy shirts?"

"What for?" He replied, not looking up from his phone. I glanced around his room and pursed my lips. Clothes were strewn all over the floor, mismatched shoes were everywhere. The only thing that seemed decent was his facial products, positioned neatly in one of his open drawers.

"Uhh... Nevermind hyung. I don't think you have any clean sh- YAHH!" I shouted as he flung a shirt at me. The material was strangely soft and cooling against my touch. But one look down at the graphic tee...

"Hyung! I don't like this colour!"

"Quit whining, or get out." He lamented, still not looking at me. I sighed defeatedly.


"One thing I don't understand." Eunhong joined in our conversation. "How are you and Luhan going to share a pair of earring?"

"Oh that." I cleared away that awkward piece of memory. "I just plan to get one lobe pierce and the other one would be for him."

Eunhong nodded in acknowledgment. "I'm all set, you ready?"

I wished I could say 'heck yeah!'. But the truth, I wasn't. Not one bit. I briefly nodded and he clapped his hands in delight, skillfully wiping my right ear with alcohol.

He took a small gun-like gadget after using a small marker to mark a spot on the earlobe. "Deep breaths." He commanded and I did as I was told.

"Don't fidget or I might poke your brains out." Eunhong joked and I gulped. Not funny, not at all. Kris scoffed. "That's not as bad! The last time you nearly- "



A stapler sound was heard as I instinctively let out a shrill cry of pain. Biting my lip, I could feel something warm oozing into my ear.

"Is there any blood?" I whimpered and Kris squished my cheek affectionately befire handing me a small mirror. "See for yourself."

I tilted my head and a big smile formed on my lips.

Getting a piercing was probably the best decision I ever made for myself. The ruby clung onto my ear and it stood out even though my dark brown hair was shading it. It was perfect.

"I'd put the other one in here." Eunhong handed me a small decorated box and I muttered a quick thanks.

"Luhan hyung might think you're gonna propose to him." Kris joked as he looked at the packaging. Heck, there was even a red bow neatly tied on the cover! I could probably even fool myself thinking it was an engagement ring box.

"Well I might propose to him one day." I shrugged nonachantly.

"And how are you gonna do that?" He challenged, folding his arms. I winked playfully, getting down on one knee.

"My love, you are the light to my sun, the darkness to my moon. You are everything- "

"At this rate, Luhan hyung's gonna puke." Kris guffawed. "You're getting your logic all wrong."

"Well that's my way of proposing." I flipped my imaginary ponytail. He smiled before turning to glance at Eunhong who was busy preparing some weird lotion.

"Actually," He dropped his voice. "I've been wanting to surprise Tao with this." He reached for a box in his pocket and opened it. Gasping, I found myself gawking at a carefully intricated ring. It was rather dainty, probably made for a woman, but nevertheless it was beautiful. The big diamond smacked directly in the centre somehow looked so mesmerising I couldn't even take my eyes off it.

What would be Luhan's reaction if I proposed to him one day? Would he squeal and jump for joy? Would he faint from shock? Or worse, would he turn away and reject me?

No... He wouldn't.

"I think Tao hyung would be overjoyed when he sees this." I answered truthfully and he beamed.

"One question," I started. "You're a roman catholic aren't you?" Kris nodded and that made me raised an eyebrow.

"Aren't gay marriages prohibited in your religion?"

"Technically it is." He humphed unhappily. "But Tao means too much to me. He's like my damsel in shining armour who would fend me off from enemies with his infamous wushu stick."

I went up to him and took his hand in mine, squeezing it lightly. "You don't need a legal priest to bless your marriage. As long as you get the certificate, you're married."

"If you want, I could be your matchmaker..?" I offered hesitantly but Kris pulled me into a bear hug, much to my surprise.

"When we're getting married, I swear you'll be the first to know." He promised and I giggled, interlocking our pinkies.

"Here." Eunhong appeared all of a sudden and thrusted a small bottle of liquid medicine into my hands. "If your ear gets any infection, be sure to apply this."

"Uhmm..." I mumbled. "How would I know if my ear is infected?"

"The usual... Throbbing pain, yellow pus being excreted out from your earhole- "

"Ew." I scrunched my nose up in disgust and Kris scoffed again.

"Hah! If it's serious you might have to amputate your entire ear."


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