Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

Luhan's pov:

"I'm back." My ears perked up at the familiar voice. From my seated position on the staircase, I peered down... Enough to see Sehun as he removed his mask. Running a finger through his hair, he apologised to Suho who was currently chiding him for returning home late at night. His gorgeous face was truly a welcoming sight.

"Luhan hyung came back devastated. Did something happen?" Suho, being EXO's concerned leader, asked. "Everyone went to bed earlier so I stayed up to wait for you... But I didn't expect Luhan hyung crying into my arms the first thing he returned."

Sehun stiffened visibly. "I'm gonna fix it." He bade good night to the confused older and made his way towards the stairs.

Time to scram!

Trying to make as little sound as possible, I got up from the step and crept back to our room, silently shutting it. I lunged for the bed and threw the blanket over my head.

As if on cue, I heard the door creaked open and I squeezed my eyes tight, hoping that I could fool Sehun into thinking I was already asleep. I was most definitely not ready to talk... Not especially after getting rejected by him.

"I know you're awake hyung." Sehun lamented and I cursed mentally.

"You're breathing too loudly." He explained as I reluctantly opened my eyes. He still looked good, his chocolate brown hair messed up and his warm orbs staring into mine.

"Hi." I muttered and he sat down beside me, making the bed sink down.

"Hi." He replied, equally awkward.

"About just now- " I started but was interrupted when Sehun pressed two fingers against my lips.

"You don't have to say anything hyung." He muttered. "Your lips are really soft."

"Th- thanks." I mumbled. I swear this boy would be the death of me. It was clear how he felt towards me but I just couldn't stop the butterflies from fluttering.

"I just wanna say that even though all this happened," I cleared my throat to sound serious. "I hope you are able to still see me as your hyung, you can still tell me anything."

"Hyun- "

"And," I cut him off. "Do not ever feel awkward with me because so help me I will pull your balls off with a pair of pliers. I'm still your big bro okay?"

"Hyung..." He clamped a hand over his mouth and tried to stifle his unmanly giggles. "I would prefer to keep my balls on thank you."

I chuckled at his failed attempt of a joke but quickly quietened down.

"Luhan." I refused to acknowledge Sehun's call and looked everywhere in the room... Except him.

"Look at me Xiaolu." He put two fingers on my chin and tilted my face to look straight at him.

"You left so soon." He murmured, tucking my honey blonde hair behind my left ear. "You didn't wait for my reply, hyung."

"What?" I gasped and willed myself to look deep into his mesmerising eyes.

"After you left, I looked for an old friend." He said. "He told me alot about my past."

My eyes narrowed. While I was gone, he went to consult someone... Who wasn't me!

I left him behind... He had the right to look for someone else to chat.

But still, he came home so late and made Suho and I so worried about him. I bit my lip... I was most definitely not gonna tell him how I was snooping around, eavesdropping on their conversation.

"He also made me realise something I never knew." He gazed at me earnestly. "Something I wouldn't have figured out myself."

"And what is that?" I looked down, a little intimidated by his unbreakable stare.

"I fell in love as well." He gave me a smile whereas, I believed I looked horrified. He liked someone else..? Which girl was it?

"Who is she?" I asked bitterly and he smirked, giving me a quick peck on the forehead.

"It's a boy."

My eyes widened.

"I love you Luhan." He confessed and flushed red. I think I was still in a state of shock because I started babbling on and on.

"You love me as a brother or as a lover or as- "

He silenced me by pressing his lips against mine. It took a moment to acknowledge the fact that Sehun was lip locked with me. Shutting my eyes, I kissed back and wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling him closer. When he broke away, I think I lost my mind. That was the best five seconds of my life.

"Does that answer your question?" He murmured and cradled me into his arms. I nodded, sighing with content at the warmth he provided me with.

"Your friend told you about your feelings for me?" I enquired and he nodded, kissing the top of my head. I giggled, Sehun had always loved affection.

"Was it a girl?" I questioned again and he grinned cheekily.

"Getting jealous so quickly?" He teased and I shook my head in denial.

"You stink." I hissed at him and he stuck his tongue out playfully.

"But I'm your stink bomb."

"No, that's not what I meant." I said. "You... Really stink."

"Go get a shower!" I threw my pillow at him at his tumbled off the bed comically.

"I'll bathe fast, then we can cuddle..?" He offered hesitantly. I nodded my head, a stupid grin forming on my face.

"That would be nice."

"I'll be right back." He planted another kiss on my cheek before swiftly grabbing his night wear and a towel.

"I'll be waiting." I told him and he gave me a thumbs up, locking the bathroom door. Moments later, the door swung open again and he popped his head out.

"I love you so much Lu, sorry it took so long for me to realise."

Before I could even reply, he locked the door. Sighing dreamily, I lay back on my pillow. After many many many years of pursuing, Sehun finally felt the same.


Guys, updates are gonna be a little slower from now on cuz my mom is in the hospital.

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