Chapter 23

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Chapter 23


ehun's pov:

Stepping out of the shower, Luhan glanced at me.

"How was your day?" I asked as I tried to brush off the tingling sensation in my tummy. Or maybe my wet hair was making me nervous... Why did the hair dryer spoil?

"Boring." He shrugged before jumping out of bed and pushing me down onto a chair.

"Can I do your hair please?" He whined and begrudgingly, I handed him my comb.

Cheering, he started brushing my hair and an awkward silence took over us. I peeked into the mirror and started watching him but suddenly...

He looked up and our eyes met.

We both turned away at the same time as he tapped my shoulder.

"All done Senshine!"

"Thanks Xiaolu."

He smiled a little at the nickname I gave him.

"Hyung." I dragged his arm and ignoring his protests, I plopped him down on the bed. Fumbling for my slingbag, I carefully took out the cup of coffee as I handed it to him.

"I made this... Can you try it?" I questioned, hopeful.

Without another word, Luhan opened the cap and took a sip of the coffee.

"It tastes amazing!" He gushed. "But not as good as- "

"Bubble tea." I interrupted him and he laughed.

"Right, bubble tea." He agreed.

He took another gulp of the coffee and when he caught me staring, he grinned, making his sparkling white teeth stand out.

"It's really nice Sehun ah."

His comment made me red and I looked away from his tingling stare. Then suddenly he snapped his fingers, making me turn my attention back to him.

"I have something for you as well." He winked and he stood up and rummaged through his drawer. He then returned back to the bed and sat down, handing me a crumpled plastic bag.

"Open it." He urged and I eyed him suspiciously. He just shrugged and resisted a smile. Turning back to the plastic bag, I gently flipped it over and pulled out something that felt woolen.

It was a plain red hoodie with the words 'He's my best friend!' printed on the centre.

"H- hyung... I dunno what to say..." I muttered and he giggled.

"I have a matching blue one." He stated and it reminded me of the cap I got him. We got each other matching outfits. This fact made me grin stupidly.

"There's more." Luhan whispered and I raised an eyebrow. Feeling inside the plastic bag, I reached for the hard object and took it out.

"A book?" The question escaped my lips as I eyed the pals purple material in my hands.

"Well..." He rubbed the nape of his neck shyly. "You used to complain how much you wanted a diary."

"Lu hyung!" I groaned and the blonde hair Luhan turned to look at me.

"What is it?" He snapped a little unhappily but the browned hair me didn't even care one bit.

"I want a diary." I whined and he sighed.

"I'll get you one, but not today."

"Sehun! Sehun ah!"

I felt myself being shaked continuously before I forced myself to open my eyes.

"Sehun!" I found myself staring into Luhan's worried eyes. Immediately, I wrapped my arms around him.

"A memory..." I murmured and he nodded his head.

"Its okay now." He ran his hand through my hair gently.

"I was talking and all of a sudden, you began to quiver." He swallowed and continued shakily.

"The next thing I knew, you collapsed onto the floor and started grabbing your head."

Only then did I realise we were hugging on the floor. This flashback was way worse than the previous one though it was much shorter.

"Hyung, my head is throbbing." I moaned and he sighed, releasing his grip on me. He then slung his arm behind my back and carried me bridal style to the bed.

"You're so strong." I complimented softly as he chuckled, ruffling my hair again.

"It's late, we'll talk tomorrow." He turned off the lights and got under the covers.

Snuggling closer to him, I leaned my head towards his neck. He sighed contentedly and pressed his forehead against the top of my head. The moment was so sweet now I could eat him if he was covered in chocolate fudge and sprinkles. And also, he smelt heavenly. Or maybe it was from my damp hair.

"Good night Sehun." He suddenly leaned down and placed a chaste kiss on my forehead.

My heart stopped beating.

Even from the dark, I could see Luhan's red face as he turned to face the other direction away from me. Hesitating a moment, I crouched up and pecked his cheek. I could hear his light gasp and I quickly turned to face the other way.

"Night hyung." I hastily replied as I clutched the sheets tightly. My heart was beating so fast I think it could jump out any moment. His kiss was still lingering on my forehead and I could feel my cheeks heating up. And surprisingly, my headache was gone.

It felt... Sweet.

Maybe even if Luhan wasn't dipped in chocolate fudge, I would still eat him.

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