Chapter 69

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Chapter 69

Luhan's pov:


I needed answers.

Grunting in frustration, I squeezed another handful of lotion onto my palm, rubbing the soap vigorously on my skin. Sehun, after the incident, was nowhere to be found. I had laid on the bed the entire night, waiting for him to return, but he never did. That boy had me hooked around his little finger, where he'd actually play with my feelings and torture my emotions. He made me feel like staying up the whole night foolishly, was actually acceptable. He was driving me mad, and had undeniably forced me to do something that I utmost hated in the end. Breaking up with him was no longer an option, seeing how it didn't work, so I was left with finding the damn answers myself.

Drying my body with the towel, I quickly slipped on some formal button up polo tee, folding up the sleeves neatly. Since I had a coffee date with Minseok to tell him about my problem, looking good and being properly dressed was necessary. The ripped jeans Baekhyun had got me that day really did look good on my thighs, enunciating the muscles and slightly perky bum. My hands reached for the gel and I waxed my fingers with the liquid, gently brushing them through my platinum hair. After styling it, I stared at my reflection, eyes unknowingly resting at the red ruby on my ear. It had been there since that day when Sehun had put in on for me. I'd never forget the delighted expression on his face when I told him how much I loved it. But as of now, it was nothing more than a worthless fake gem. Turning away from the mirror, I gently pried it out from my ear, flushing it down the toilet bowl. It broke my heart, watching something once so precious to me disappearing in a matter of seconds. Hardening my insides, I hooked on a dangling cross earring before stepping out of the bathroom.

With only less than hour before my coffee breakfast with Xiumin, I was probed to make this fast and efficient. Kyungsoo had came up to my room earlier, asking me why Sehun had slept on the couch. If Sehun was so insistent in avoiding me, that was actually okay, seeing how I could make use of his absence to dig through his stuff.

Pursing my lips into a thin line, I got to work and swung the closet door open. There laid all his neatly ironed outfits, carefully hung on hangers. I began to hastily swipe through the clothes, not forgetting to check thoroughly. Not a single pocket or hole was going to be spared.

Fifteen minutes after searching for possible clues in the closet, I gave up. My sideburns clung onto my face in sweat as I sat down on the floor, catching my breath. The air in the room was humid, not perfectly ideal to be going on a 'treasure hunt'. I rolled my eyes, utterly annoyed at the current situation. My predicament looked too pathetic. I was supposed to have an enjoyable day with my best friend today, but I'm messing my appearance up just to look for something that may help improve my relationship.

How ironic.

A quick glance at the wall clock. Ten minutes to nine. It was already time to leave, Xiumin was probably already downstairs waiting for me. And I'd bet Sehun won't even know I was about to go out. An involuntary sigh escaped my lips as I got up onto my feet-

I halted.

There was something under the bed.

And it was purple.

My breath hitched as I slowly reached out to it, pulling it out forcefully. No fucking way. A relieved smile crept into my face as I eyed the object in my hands gratefully. The familiar trim by the side, the slightly dented dog ear, the pastel violet thick cover. It was the diary I had given Sehun a few months back before we had even started dating.

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