Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Luhan pov:

"Ghosts?" I shrieked and the figure behind me laughed evilly.

"It's simple Luhan," He hissed. "Trade your life for his."

"What?" Sehun started but the 'ghost' holding him wrapped his hands around his neck in an attempt to strangle him.

"Shut up or you'll get it." He snapped at Sehun. For a moment, he silently obliged but he suddenly jabbed the ghost with his elbow and scrambled away.

"Luhan!" He tried to run to my side but the 'ghost' held him back and used hapkido skills to throw a punch at him.

"Sehun!" I cried in agony and a tear rolled down my cheek as I watched him crumble into to the ground, clutching his stomach.

"Baek! That's too much!" The ghost holding me yelled and removed the blade from my neck, rushing over to Sehun.

"Yeol!" The other ghost ripped off his mask and I gasped to find Baekhyun panting nervously. "I swear I didn't hit him that hard!"

"He's in pain right now!" Chanyeol unclipped his mask and crouched down to Sehun's trembling figure. I could only then register the fact that Baekhyun and Chanyeol were our 'ghosts' and that Sehun was injured right now.

"Sehun!" I sobbed as I jogged towards him and pulled him into my arms. "Don't die Sehun-ah!"

"Shit. We need to bring him to the hospital." Chanyeol whipped out his phone and Baekhyun stumbled back, looking lost.

"I... I..." He whimpered as his eyes watered. "I didn't mean it..."

"Sehun will never forgive you... And neither will I." I glared at him menacingly and he looked down at the floor, his tears tapping onto the floor.

"Hyung, are you really calling an ambulance?" A familiar voice chuckled and we all turned to look at his grinning figure, his head still on my lap.

"You guys got punked!" He snickered and I didn't stop Baekhyun when he punched Sehun in the shoulder.

"You made me cry idiot!" Baekhyun rubbed away his tears. "My eyeliner is smudged!"

"You look pretty Baekhyun, don't worry." Chanyeol stated and the smaller beamed, his face still tear stained. To be honest... He didn't look good at all.

"Sorry for what I said just now." I apologized, making the pair turn their direction to me. "I was just too scared."

"You're too cute." Sehun nipped my nose and I blushed.

Baekhyun scoffed. "Sehun you can get off Luhan hyung's thighs now, you're not injured at all."

"Oh sorry!" He stood up before hauling me up to my feet. I bit my lip. Curse the leg cramps.

"Baek hyung," Sehun poofed his cheeks up. "I'm sorry for scaring you."

The older just rolled his eyes, visibly irritated.

"Bbuing bbuing." Sehun did his usual aegyo, making Baekhyun's heart melt.

"You know, I really thought I hurt you." He sighed and ruffled Sehun's hair, making the latter swat his hand away.

And it made me wonder again, why was I the only person who could touch his hair without him making a fuss?

"After this drama, I don't feel like continuing this horror maze." Chanyeol pursed his lips.

"We were actually planning to hide here and act as ghosts as well but..." Baekhyun pushed the emergency exit door open. "Let's just go."

What a typical thing Chanbaek would do.

Everyone silently agreed with him as we trailed out and were greeted by the sight of the setting sun. The purple orangish sky was simply breathtaking.

"Let's try that!" Sehun pointed at the merry go round.

"NO!" Baekhyun pleaded and the three of us turned to look at him.

"Baek has always been afraid of merry go rounds." Chanyeol wrapped an arm around his partner.

"How could anyone be scared of merry go rounds?" Sehun asked, flabbergasted. I shot him a knowing look and he clammed up.

"Baekhyun." I held his warm and sweaty hands.

"I think you should try to overcome your fear..." I said as I slowly lead him closer to the ride, his legs trudging a little reluctantly behind.

"B- but..."

"Just know that we are here for you." Chanyeol comforted and Baekhyun finally relented, giving us a small nod. We trudged over to the ride and Baekhyun stopped, gulping and clenching his fists nervously.

Chanyeol hoisted him up a plastic horse. "Hold on tight Baekkie."

"I'm scared... Don't go." Baekhyun gripped the sleeve of his hoodie.

"Alright..." The taller cooed affectionately. "I'll stay here with you."

I clambered onto the horse behind the (loving) pair as Sehun took the one beside me before signalling to the ticket attendant to start. Slowly, the horses began to move up and down while moving in a clockwise direction.

"Chanyeol!" Baekhyun gripped the pole until his fingers turned white, shutting his eyes tight.

"I'm right here... Don't worry." Chanyeol murmured, putting an arm around him. After whispering sweet nothings to him, Baekhyun finally willed himself to slowly look up.

"See, it's not as scary as it seems." Chanyeol chuckled and the smaller gently nodded. He patted his back before getting on the horse beside Baekhyun.

"You can do it Baekkie... Fighting!"

As much as I didn't want to believe it, I think Chanyeol and Baekhyun were more than friends. The way they were always together, always linking arms, always acting lovey dovey... It was far too suspicious.

I turned to my left and made eye contact with Sehun, who was staring intently at me. His eyes widened upon being caught and he immediately looked away, turning fifty shades of red.

And with this, the thought of Chanbaek being a couple was being thrown far far away. I had my crush beside me, why did I need to meddle into others love life?

"Gege!" I heard someone shout in Chinese before spotting Kris and Tao. "Let's go too!"

Tao pulled Kris along, not even waiting for the older's reply and they took the horses behind me and Sehun.

"Minnie!" Chen and his partner arrived as well, staring at the six of us spinning round and round. Scooping the red faced Xiumin into his arms, he hoisted them up the horses near Chanbaek. I winked at Minseok and he blushed even redder (if that was even possible). I knew he had romantic feelings for Jongdae.

The remaining members also mysteriously appeared, all four of them chewing on carousel snacks.

"Looks fun!" Kai dumped his half eaten hotdog into a nearby bin and raced over to a horse behind Kris. D.O whereas looked horrified as he stared longingly at the forgotten snack in the bin.

"Junmyeon let's try it!" Lay smiled his million dollar smile and Suho, who could not resist his (lovely) dimple, nodded excitedly. They hopped onto the horses in front of Xiuchen.

D.O who was left alone with his fluffy cotton candy sighed when all eleven of us beckoned him to join us. Stuffing his food into his mouth, he swallowed and dumped the trash into the bin.

"Kyungie!" Kai giggled (I wished I could have used a better word) and D.O grinned, swinging himself up the horse beside him.

Today was filled nothing more but fun and fun. We were enjoying ourselves as one... As one EXO. From the corner of my eye, I spotted Sehun taking a selca with him the only one looking glam. I looked at everyone as we rode up and down. Everyone was happy... Even the ticket attendant was smiling at our goofiness.

I had continuously asked myself this question ever since I left... Why did I leave this place that I could call my home? My family? I believed it was a spur moment of impulse and I would do anything to turn back time again.

"EXO!" Suho began.


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