Chapter 67

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Chapter 67

Luhan's pov:

It's been five days since our separation.

We haven't been talking, but so as to avoid raising the members' suspicions, small talks during meals were engaged. During bedtime, we had our backs facing one another, the silence of the room forming a nasty tension in the air. Without the usual night kisses from Sehun, I hadn't been able to get a good rest. In the middle of the night, I'd stand up to do some mild stretching, in hope that it may actually arouse some drowsiness in me. It failed, of course. Also, needless to say, me tossing and turning have occasionally caused Sehun to wake up. He'd sit up all of a sudden, and I'd immediately close my eyes, giving him the false assumption that I was already off to dreamland. He would then sigh and lay back down on his bed, tucking an arm under his head, staring at the ceiling.

Our 'break' seemed to have affected me way more than it did to him.

"Luhan, It's your turn! Stop daydreaming!" Baekhyun yelled, throwing a fit literally by bouncing frustratedly on Kyungsoo's bed. With a grimace, he yanked a pillow into my face, where I quickly caught it.

"We've been practicing this song for ages!" He complained. "Tonight's the big day! Our boyfriends are going to be so proud of us and hey, someone might even get laid." He gave D.O a sneaky side glance, earning a small yelp from the latter.

"Jongin won't rush me!"

"Sure he won't." I huffed angrily, crushing the plastic bottle which was supposedly used as a fake microphone.

D.O frowned, pressing his crossed arms against his chest. "What's your problem hyung?"

I rolled my eyes. "Honestly, this plan is stupid. Look, I congratulate you and Jongin for your new found relationship, but why would you force us to even sing a song to our boyfriends?" The last word was a strangled choke. "They probably won't even like it!"

"They'll love it. The only problem is how you're so strongly against this plan." Baekhyun drew his lips into a thin line. His eyes then widened in recognition, swiftly pulling me by the wrist to a corner. Making sure Kyungsoo was far from sight, he implored. "Is something wrong between you and Sehun?"

Nothing, except we kind of broke up.

"We're doing good." I lied through gritted teeth. "Sorry, I'm just cranky."

"If you say so- "

"What are you guys doing here?" The door beside us opened, a voice cutting Baekhyun's words. Chen eyed us sceptically, an eyebrow raised. As if on cue, D.O had just walked over to us, a small smile on his lips. Gently patting his hand on Chen's shoulder, he answered.

"Luhan hyung wasn't feeling comfortable so Baekhyun was just giving him some advice. We should leave them alone." D.O shrugged and Chen seemed convinced, gesturing for us all to go downstairs to start on the set up. I shot Kyungsoo a grateful smile as he walked out, knowing that he had purposefully given Chen a false assumption. The chinese vocalist sure as hell didn't need to know about my strong objection to this plan.

"Let's go down and rest our vocal cords." Baekhyun led me to the living room. "The pizza Chen ordered should be arriving any moment now."



Dinner was eaten in silence.


Chanyeol and Baekhyun were lovestruck. Figuratively. Sitting so closely with practically no butt distance between them, they were gazing at each other fondly, making googoo faces. When Chanyeol blew a kiss, I turned away in disgust. The sight was simply sickening.

Chen, the gentleman that I never knew, was carefully slicing the hawaiian pizza. When finished, he slapped a rather generous portion of pizza onto a plate, offering it to Xiumin. The latter beamed, puckering his lips to give Chen a chaste kiss on the cheek.

Tao and Kris weren't eating. I bet any stranger would have guessed how they seemed to enjoy savouring each other lips compared to the freshly made pizza in front of them.

Kaisoo, the newest couple amongst us all, was actually pretty sweet in my opinion. Jongin had used a knife to cut out a small chunk of the italian delicacy, feeding it to his boyfriend affectionately. Kyungsoo then swallowed, flashing his infamous heart shaped smile. I could tell how Kai nearly died internally just by that small action.

Finally, the two that I initially thought had the most self control, Suho and Lay, were flirting. That would be pretty acceptable, if they'd stop trying to reach out for the same slice of pizza in the box. Anyone could tell how they did it on purpose so their fingers may touch.

And Sehun. My Sehun. He was seated directly opposite me, his fingers daintily plucking the pepperoni off his pizza. I smiled warmly, watching him finish off the meat on his pastry before eating the whole thing. When he finally noticed me staring at him, he dropped his food back onto his plate, inducing a giggle from me. He didn't laugh with me. Instead, his blank eyes were fixed on mine. He licked the tomato sauce off his mouth, at the same time, giving my lips a quick glance. Hesitantly, I gave him a small smile.

But before I could even catch a glimpse of his reaction, Baekhyun called me. My head reluctantly turned away from Sehun and to the idiot that called me. Baekhyun stood up and snapped his fingers. At the signal, Chen, D.O and I rose from our seats and made our way to the space in front of the TV. Ignoring the eight pairs of questioning glances directed to us, we huddled down in a small circle.

"Ready?" Kyungsoo whispered.

"Ready!" We chorused, chuckling when the Yifan nearly fell off his seat at our sudden shout. With that we got into position, Baekhyun starting off with the opening speech.

"I know you all must be wondering what the hell we're doing, standing here and doing some strange cheer, scaring Kris hyung out of his wits- "

"I wasn't scared!" The said male defended.

" -but I assure you, this is gonna be the best performance we ever put up this year. So sit back and enjoy the show while we entertain your ugly asses. Chanyeol, try not to pee your pants. Thanks."

Baekhyun's last comment had us cracking up in laughter, where I doubled back on the couch, clutching my tummy. Chanyeol had snorted in response, shooting a small but deadly glare at his boyfriend. Baekhyun just headed over to the well concealed radio behind the TV and punched in a couple of buttons. Moments later, the familiar beginning of piano music began. The audible mutters and mumbles gradually died down as Kyungsoo started.

"Lying beside you, here in the dark. Feeling your heart beat with mine."

While D.O merged his entire being deep into the song, my eyes wandered over to Sehun. It heartened me to know that at first, he seemed rather interested in the performance. However after Kyungsoo proceeded to his second line, his attention span was broken, fixating his gaze on his phone. My fists unknowingly clenched, watching him tap away happily at his phone screen.

"We sailed on together," I hissed, my voice coming out not too right. "we drifted apart." Heaving in a breath to cool my inner rage, I forced my voice out in a better controlleda and steadier tone. "And here you are by my side."

"So now I come to you, with open arms." We harmonised in perfect synchronisation. Peeking at Sehun again, my heart sank even further at the sight of him grinning happily at his phone. Biting back a snort, he scrolled up the screen.

And for a moment, I was actually doubtful. Because it had seemed to me that Sehun simply didn't care the performance we had put up. It bothered me how a stupid phone could take away the attention of the man which I had been trying to make amends with. Surely it was a good choice to take a break as Sehun did look pretty refreshed and relaxed since then. But taking a break also didn't mean, ignoring and avoiding one another for days, like the fucking plague. And when I finally put up with the horrifying plan of dedicating a love song to him, he decided that his shitty phone was way better than me!

"But now that you've come back, turned night into day," Tears welled up in my eyes at the emotional sentence that I had forced out of my throat.

"I need you to stay..."

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