Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

Sehun's pov:

I was genuinely surprised but it was tremendous fun hanging out with Chanyeol and his two lesbian friends. Though everyone knew that Minhee and I started out a little awkward, but after she opened up to me about how she secretly idolised me, many things had changed.

She told me how squealy she was after entering kpop fandom. I told her it was quite stressful to be working under SM, courtesy of Luhan who always complained about the past when he was still promoting in EXO. She added on how she and the EXO Ls would forever stand by me. I then made the decision to trust her and told her about me and Luhan's hidden relationship. She had literally screeched in delight as she gushed on to explain how she used to ship hunhan. And that she hated xiuhan. That would have agreed as well.

When I asked about how she dated Apple, Minhee's boisterous girlfriend joined in our conversation. Apple started blabbering about how they met in a cafe where Minhee spilt her iced coffee on her and stuff. Half way through, I zoned out since this girl could never stop talking.

And very soon, the four of us gave up on conversing and we played twenty-one questions, in which Chanyeol told how he fell in love with Baekhyun during trainees when the latter laughed at him for tumbling down a flight of stairs. That certainly did sound like something Baekhyun would have done. I had pondered after my fit of giggles.

The worst was not yet over though. Just when I thought things couldn't get any worser, I was forced to reply a rather private question as to when had I last gotten turned on. As much as I didn't want to, I obediently told them the incident recently when I got slightly erected after seeing a little white toothpaste by the corner of Luhan's mouth. Not a very pleasant sight to behold, but it did seem pretty sexy in a way then. After sharing, they burst into contagious laughter

We were up to the seventeenth question when Apple suddenly halted us, giving Minhee a wink. The latter smirked and before I knew it, she had removed the mirror in front of me.

"Hey!" Chanyeol barked at Apple, who had done the same. "How am I supposed to see how you're doing my hair?"

"You don't." She replied as a matter of a fact, shrugging.

I myself wasn't really happy with this arrangement but I just bit my lip to go along with it. For once, I actually felt older than Chanyeol, he was whining on his seat and constantly turning back to Apple if there were any mishap.

Hours later, we never really did speak like before. Chanyeol was still grumbling, Minhee was dozing off on a chair. She had just slathered something cold on my hair, probably to dye it. I deduced that assumption myself since Apple had also painted some redish mixture on Chanyeol's. Since the effect would take long, Minhee decided to rest. And not to mention the creepy Apple who was beside her, gazing at her fondly.

The alarm suddenly rang and my hairdresser leapt up to her feet, momentarily scaring her girlfriend. She rushed to where I was sitted and fondled with my somewhat sticky scalp. Gesturing for me to get up from my seat, I followed her to the sink area before giving my hair a quick rinse.

"Nice." She complimented a little sleepily, ruffling my damp hair after we were done. I slapped her hand away while she pouted, ushering me back to the seat.

I'm guessing the my new hair colour went well.

"Now don't move." She commanded, taking out two iron hot plates. I gulped.

"What are you gonna do?"

"Just the slightest movement," She pinched her fingers to show the small quantity. "Can burn off your entire patch of pretty locks."

And now she sounds like her girlfriend.

I gave her my confirmation that I would try not to shift and she started running a comb through my hair to smoothen it. Even Chanyeol had stopped his tantrum to observe Minhee's skills.

"Don't move." She warned again and I heard some shuffling from behind before my neck started prickling near a burning sensation. Reaching out for a tuft of hair, Minhee pressed the two iron plates on both side near my scalp and slid them down to the very end of the strands. She was not kidding about the fact it was fire hot.

Even from Apple's hushed whisper to Chanyeol, I heard every single word. She said Minhee was rebonding my hair, that would mean by the end of today it would be as straight as a ruler. Vaguely imagining myself with some random hair dye with spaghetti neat hair, I nearly choked up in little in disgust.

"Don't move." Minhee hissed again, twisting my shoulders to put me in a fixed position.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes.

I couldn't be bothered anyway, what are the chances I could get burnt by-




Luhan's pov:

"It tickles!" Baekhyun giggled when the cold liquid made contact with his scalp.

"Be serious or you'll suffer the consequences." I warned and he humphed childishly but nonetheless, steadied his breathing.

He had just done my hair, I was just returning the favour. If Sehun was going to make himself much more handsome for me, I could always do the same. Baekhyun had suggested an adorable and innocent colour for me to go with... And that's how I got myself with a striking silverish hairstyle. If you asked me, I think this colour suited badass more than cute.

As I slathered another layer of sticky paste on his scalp, I found myself wondering how Sehun would return looking like. Chanyeol was crazy and scary, what if he really did made Sehun dye his hair green like an alien? Or did Sehun reject him to go for a hotter colour such as... Black? Imagining him with jet black hair and a smirk curling into his face, I clasped a hand over my mouth and squealed internally

"YAHH hyung!" Baekhyun yelled, his mouth turning into a rectangular shape. "I know you're excited about your boyfriend, but please focus on the main subject here, namely me."

"Okay." I chuckled and sweeped the sexy thought out of mind. But it didn't last for long though. A few minutes later, I heard the familiar sound of the front door opening. It was then followed by a deep rumble asking where everyone was.

"Hurry!" Baekhyun pestered, tugging the hem of my shirt incessantly. "Channie is back!"

"If your Channie is back, my Sehun's back too!" I replied, my eyes still not leaving the bathroom door. Part of me wished that Sehun could figure out that Baekhyun and I were 'camping' in the toilet and would open the door separating us, but the other part of me knew he respected privacy. Even if we were not doing any business in the toilet, he still wouldn't barge in. In short, he wouldn't know I was here.

"Hyung! Don't just stare at the door!" Baekhyun reached for the bowl of black mixture and poured the remaining over his head. He randomly combed his fingers through his icky hair to let every single inch get a blob of dye.

"I'm sorry Baek." I rinsed my dirty hands in the sink and swiftly dried them. "My Sehunnie is back."

Ignoring his protests for me to come back, I exited the bathroom and shut the door. Taking a quick glimpse of my appearance from the full length mirror in Chanbaek's room, I made an anti clockwise twirl. Secretly thanking myself for taking a quick shower beforehand, I'm glad Sehun wouldn't get to see me in the dirty brown shirt that I had worn this morning before he left.

Even through the slightly damp silver hair, the red ruby on my left ear still stood out as brightly as ever. In fact, I think it looked even better with this new makeover. Quickly applying a layer of lip balm with a tint of pink, I made my grand entrance down.

It was time to look good for my boyfriend.

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