Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

Sehun's pov:

"Where's everyone?" Chanyeol questioned upon stepping foot in the empty living room. I myself was pretty confused as to everyone's whereabouts as I was greeted by a sight of loneliness. The chairs and tables were neatly arranged (unlike the usual uneven gaps) and even the kitchen was clean and sparkling... Except for a few dirty plates dumped into the sink. Someone probably got hungry.

"Hello?" I asked to no one in particular, glancing around my surroundings, even checking behind the curtains to make sure they weren't planning a jump scare for us. But it didn't seem like the case.


My lips unconsciously formed a wide grin as I heard the most beautiful voice in the entire world. Turning, I watched as Luhan made his way down the stairs. I was mortified, I was in awe, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. My eyes were fixed on his new appearance.

His pale hair had a silverish glint, slicked back his forehead neatly. He had a change of clothes as well, a neat button up shirt with blue and white polka dots, matched with a pair of cream coloured bermudas. The smile on his lips was breathtaking, his pearly white teeth were standing out. His cheeks a little flushed, his hands tugging at his shirt nervously. He swallowed and ran a hand through his hair, ruffling the combed part. I didn't complain, he actually looked sexy with messed up hair. Finally willing himself to look up at me, I nearly smirked when his jaw dropped slightly.

What I could say? I was dashing.

Minhee had done a great job on my hair, giving it a rebond and a perfect midnight blue dye. It brought out another side of me, mysterious but gushing hot. It made my features stand out, especially for my sharp good for nothing chin that always juts out, obstructing my way of kissing Luhan. My current straight like spaghetti fringe was covering my forehead, brushing past my eyes. Not to mention, the red ruby earring went perfectly well with dark blue. Just like how it matched Luhan's silver one.

"God." Luhan murmured, his eyes still not leaving my body. "You look so... Good."

"Surprise jagiya." I winked and outstretched my arms. Taking the hint, he beamed and scurried down the stairs, throwing himself into my chest. I sighed contentedly as we stayed in that position for a few minutes... Until Chanyeol decided to be a jerk.

"Luhan hyung," He addressed, shamelessly checking out my boyfriend from head to toe. I glared at him, wrapping an arm around Luhan possessively. The smaller avoided Chanyeol's gaze and looked down at his feet, giving a muffled acknowledgement.

"Where is Baek?" Chanyeol asked, finally taking his eyes off the gorgeous boy and observing his surroundings.

Luhan didn't get to reply though.


Chanyeol wasted no time in yanking his very own boyfriend down the stairs and pulling him into an embrace. Kissing him lovingly, he cupped Baekhyun's cheeks and showered his face with pecks.

"You are so god damn hot." Chanyeol breathed huskily and latched their lips again. I had to admit though, Baekhyun looked great. His black as ebony hair was made him look a whole lot more like a badboy. The fresh eyeliner made his eyes larger and his lips looked rather kissable.

"Eyes only on me." Luhan held my chin and turned me away from Baekhyun and his boyfriend. He looked upset and hurt, his eyes crestfallen. His sudden provocative action made me surprised but upon staring at him, my previous feels for Baekhyun had disappeared into thin air. Luhan was gorgeous, his new hair colour shaped him perfectly. Even without make up, he would still look amazing. He was beautiful by nature, the sparkly eyes give everything away.

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