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by: exo_rider

Copyright © 2016. All rights reserved.


It had been a good long time since Sehun had seen either of the ex members. He knew Kris was doing well with Caucasians in the western countries. The day before, Tao had just released his new music video. And Luhan, his beloved brother, he was filming a Chinese drama.

Sehun had to admit, he was glad and genuinely happy for the trio and their outstanding performances in the music and acting industries, but he couldn't help but feel disappointed. They swore an oath to be one forever. And the saddest part, the oath didn't last longer than 2 years.

Sipping on his bubble tea, Sehun pondered when he last drank this icey delight. It was probably some time last year, he wasn't so sure himself. For a period of time, he remembered distancing himself from it because it was the thing that actually connected him with Luhan. Their love for bubble tea. Drinking it alone just didn't feel right. Luhan was his favourite senior and everytime EXO M combined practices with the Korean group, he'd find himself sticking to the Chinese male.

And all these while, despite having zero contact with any of the former members, Luhan still remained as Sehun's favourite person. That was one thing that would never change.

With that, Sehun did not see the incoming vehicle driving towards him in the middle of the road.




A tear rolled down his cheek as he uttered possibly his last word.



Enjoy the story! Chapters 7 - 50+ are undergoing editing, so it may not be up to expectation when you read it. Please understand n let's support OT12 :)

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