Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Sehun's pov:

I woke up upon hearing angry shouts. And trust me when I say it's not a good thing to hear such language the first thing you wake up.

I opened my eyes and was all alone, without Luhan beside me. Wait... Did that mean he was the one shouting?

"No! I will not listen to you!"

There came the shout again. And this time, it came from the bathroom.

"Hyung?" I whispered as I clambered out of bed and stood outside the bathroom door.

"No! No! No! I'm a grown man, I can make decisions myself!"

This time, I could confirm the shouts came from Luhan. I could recognise my XiaoLu anywhere.

XiaoLu... The name just popped out of nowhere. And suddenly, my head was struck with a sudden flash of memories, making me lose my balance and falling onto the ground with a loud thud.

I saw... I saw Luhan... And me.

His blood red hair was messed up and there was me... I had rainbow hair, smoothly brushed back.

Turning to me, Luhan glanced towards me before shouting gleefully. "Senshine! Come here!"

"I'm coming XiaoLu!" The rainbow haired me replied, equally excited, and sprinted across to him.


The image disappeared and I found myself facing Luhan's worried eyes.

"I heard a loud bang and then you were lying down with a dazed look on your face and I didn't know what to do and- "

"Shhh hyung..." I interrupted his rant. "I'm fine... For now."

"For now?" He questioned, his eyes widening again with panic.

"Nothing hyung, just forget it." I mumbled before deciding to change the subject.

"Who were quarelling with in the bathroom?" I decided to ask.

He shook his head and gave me a confused look.

"You were on the phone right?" I interrogated again and he finally nodded his head hesitantly.

"How much of it did you hear?" He glanced warily at me and I licked my dry lips.

"Nothing much, just mostly about you shouting no." I shrugged and he seemed to heave a sigh of relief.

"I'm fine Senshine, don't worry." He smiled and patted my back lightly.


The name hit me like a brick. Wasn't it the name he called me in the flashback?

"Hey you alright?" He shook me, jolting me back to reality. "You were dazing off again."

"I... I'm fine." I muttered and quickly giving an excuse of brushing up, our sensitive conversation ended. I wasn't about to tell him about my flashback. At least, not just yet.

And... Maybe I should start calling him XiaoLu.



I went down for breakfast later to find everyone already resting on the couch. Well except Kai and Chanyeol who were made to wash the dishes. Kris released a loud burp, making the rest laugh.

Meanwhile, I chuckled softly as I made my way there. Suho was feeling better as he sat with the members and engaging in interesting conversations.

"Morning guys." I greeted, my eyes briefly brushing past Luhan's eyes. (I forced him to go down for breakfast first). He turned away immediately.

"Morning Sehunnie, there's some toast for you in the kitchen." Baekhyun pipped up cheerfully, making Tao smirk.

"Hyung? I thought you were pissed off at him?" He teased.

"I'm not mad at him anymore." Baekhyun grinned widely and pulled me down the couch beside him.

"Who could stay mad at this cutie pie?" He pinched my cheeks affectionately, causing me to gag.  Luhan lightly glared at Baekhyun. He was being protective as usual.

"Morning Sehun!" Chanyeol and Kai returned from the kitchen. Kai gave me a quick morning hug and passed me a plate of peanut buttered toast.

I rejected them politely. "I have no appetite."

"Eat Sehun." Luhan said all of sudden, his eyes dead serious.

Then turning to the members, he continued to explain. "This morning when I exited the bathroom, I saw him on the floor with this dazed look on his face."


Instantly chatters and concerned voices were heard as everyone started discussing frenziedly.

"Guys! Guys!" I yelled to get their attention. "I just had a bad night sleep... I'm fine."

Of course, Luhan didn't buy my lie but... Well, it fooled everyone. He was still staring daggers at me while Chen exclaimed.

"Sehun!" He winked. "I think you need coffee."

"Indeed." Xiumin added. "Coffee contains caffeine which can keep you awake."

"And addicted." Luhan added, making the pair glare at him.

"Ignore Luhan hyung." Suho laughed. "I think coffee is a pretty good idea."

"Meanwhile, you can also bond with... Whoever you're going with." Lay suggested and I nodded, agreeing with him.

"Well, coffee it is!" I did aegyo (which made everyone awww) and announced. "I wanna hang out with Chen and Xiumin hyung."

"Two persons?" Luhan shrieked and everyone turned to face him.

"Anything wrong hyung?" Chanyeol asked, patting his shoulders lightly.

"N- no..." He mumbled and shrunk deeper into his seat.

"So... where shall we bring Mr Sunshine? Starbucks?" Chen asked Xiumin.

"I was thinking of... Our usual parlour." Xiumin gave him the evil grin and the latter's eyes lit up instantly.

I gulped.

I'd be lying if I said I was not the worried about the two crazy hyungs' plan.

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