Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Sehun's pov:

"Tao shut the hell up!" I groaned frustratedly at the dark eyes male, who was singing in an unbelievably off pitched tune. He was swinging his slingbag in wide circular motions, literally screaming out incoherent lyrics of some strange chinese song. "The entire zoo is booked for us!" Tao momentarily paused in his tracks, only to sing even louder than before. "Give me a reason not to sing as much as I want!"

I pretended to ponder, snapping my fingers sarcastically.

"Three reasons Tao. First, your singing is horrifying, birds may just fall from the sky at your noise pollution. Besides," I held back a snicker. "The singer of the song would be utmost insulted."

”Well I am the singer." Tao muttered under his breath as I proceeded.

"Next, which is also the biggest issue, we're lost in a god damned zoo! How is this even possible?" I stamped my foot irritatedly, cursing as to how I'll fated we both were.

"That's a good reason." He nodded approvingly. "What's the last?"

"Rain." I stated, gesturing up to the gray and ominous clouds. Tao followed suit, his nose scrunching up in disbelief at the inauspicious sight. Then, a small nonachalant smile crept up his lips.

"A little rain never hurt anybody." He brushed it off, turning to face me with this animated look plastered onto his delighted face. "But have you forgotten how you kissed Luhan hyung just now?"

"Don't you dare lie to me Sehun." He added when I had opened my mouth to protest.

"Did you even see your face? You were burning red and about to faint from happiness!"

"That doesn't mean anything." I rolled my eyes. "It's just a sign of our bromance."

"Besides you owe me, I could have left you behind and followed Luhan hyung." I added smugly.

"Shut up." He frowned at me. "But... I still ship Hunhan!" He twirled around and as soon as he did that, the rain started plattering onto the cold, hard earth.

"Great rain dance you got there!" I couldn't help but laugh under such circumstance.

"You kidding me? Let's get shelter idiot!" He held my hand and we ran to the closest shelter... which was the pony stable. Of course, it stunk. Oh and it didn't help how drenched we were.

"What a great day at the zoo." I grumbled and he nudged me gently.

"On the good side, we've opened up more to each other." He grinned and placing an arm around my shoulder, we watched the rain fall.

"Lalalala... Sehun and Luhan sitting on a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g! First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes Luhan in a baby carr- "

"Shut up Zitao!"



Luhan's pov:

It was already eight in the night. Where were they? I paced anxiously around the living room along with the others who were resting on the couch.

Ever since Sehun lost his memory, so much happened. It was like he was a totally different person with a totally different personality, one that liked to mess around. Thinking about this made me recall about what happened in the afternoon. I kissed him on a spur moment of impulse.

I didn't mean it.

I mean... I would do it again but...

Why did I do it?

What made me do it?

I may do aegyo quite often but this was way too overboard.

No... this was a disaster.

I'm a singer and an actor. I'm renowned.

But my heart flutters all the time whenever he stares at me.

That urge to blush and look away whenever he smiles.

And... he's sexy. Like really really sexy.

Oh god Luhan... you're screwed.

And that's when it dawned upon me... the sad truth was finally revealed.

I have feelings for Sehun.

The poker faced maknae, Oh Sehun.

Yep, you're screwed Luhan.

"I think that's them!" Chanyeol suddenly stood up and pointed out of the window, breaking my train of thoughts. Sure, there was a taxi driving into the road and gradually stopping, the door swung open, revealing our two lost brothers.

"Guys!" Suho yelled in alarm and slamming the front door open, he ran out full speed to the pair.

"Hyung it's raining!" Baekhyun yelled from inside the house where we all were but Suho ignored him. Removing his coat, he draped it over Sehun and Tao, who just exited the taxi. Afterwards, the trio began to jog back with Suho soaking wet.

"Suho!" Lay hyung immediately grabbed a towel and dried his wet hair.

"I'm fine Yixing." He smiled a little too sweetly at the latter.

My gaze was returned to Sehun as Chen passed him a cup of hot tea, made by Kyungsoo. The way he sipped on the drink... the way his eyes lit up whenever someone spoke to him... everything about him was simply amazing.

"Luhan hyung!"

I was finally jolted back to reality when I heard my name being called.

"Could you ask D.O to make another cup of tea? Suho needs it." Lay requested and cringed when Suho sneezed.

"On it." I nodded my head and quickly meeting Sehun's eyes, I turned and headed for the kitchen. The butterflies in my stomach were killing me... I may have to ask Kyungsoo for two cups of tea.

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