Chapter 62

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Chapter 62

Luhan's pov:

The curtains were drawn shut, lights all turned off. From the dim litting of a miserable candle flame, my hands instinctively reached for the couch, which has been pushed all the way to the far end of the wall. I wasn't used to this way of vision so the cushioned seat and Sehun's hand served as my only source of support.

"Gather around the flame." Chanyeol's infamous voice sounded from somewhere behind the couch and I let out a tiny yelp, shrinking my hand away. Sehun chuckled at my reaction but nonetheless pulled me to the candle, where the rest of us sat around. The four idiots finally appeared and they sat down, positioning their hand together in a prayer position. I nearly snorted from amusement.

"Please observe a moment of silence as we wait for the last member to arrive." It was really too good to be true when Kris gave out the instructions. Baekhyun must have worked miracles to get the cold guy actually say out something that sounded so stupid. And what surprised me a whole lot more, was the fact that everyone was actually doing as they're told. The goofy unofficial couple Sulay were glued to one another, but their eyes were closed as they meditated. Xiumin on my left was visibly annoyed, but nonetheless complied to the orders, keeping his lips pursed in a small pout. I could have sworn I saw Chen gawking at him, slightly drooling might I mention. Xiumin sure was lucky to have a boyfriend who admired him in many ways... Not that I was jealous.

Sehun was flawless. Wise men say, fools in love think their lovers were perfect. I could most definitely relate to that. The way Sehun's voice cracks slightly every time he sings, the way his tongue sticks out when he makes a wrong dance move, the way his eyebrows scrunch up in the cutest manner, ever. I didn't think he was perfect, he was perfect.

Sehun noticed me giving him side glances and the corner of his lips tilted up in a small smile. He inched a little closer to me and I allowed him to position my head on his shoulder. It was warm, soft and mostly, it smelt like him. The musky cologne scent was addictive.

"I'm pretty sure you're a part of this." He whispered into my ear, his warm breath tingling my lobe. "What on earth are they planning?"

"I don't- "

"Quiet!" Baekhyun hollered, silencing me as I caught my voice, preventing any more words from possibly angering the male. It truly was shocking how the usual jokey and troller Byun Baekhyun would seriously act so solemn and fierce. He must really want to get Kai and D.O together. Speaking of the said male, he was sitting on the other side of Baekhyun, an empty space beside him (probably meant for Kai). It was no surprise, seeing how this entire fiasco was planned out for him.

"Omo, what the fu- "

"Kim Jongin, don't you dare curse!" Suho barked at kai who had just decided to step through the front door. His eyes squinted from the darkness, his fingers desperately reached to fondle with the light switch. Chen was quick to react as he stood up, racing over to the panicking dancer and leading him to sit within our circle (beside D.O).

"What's going on?" Kai questioned helplessly, his hands flailing in the air recklessly as Chen pushed him flat down on the floor with a thud. Sehun visibly winced upon the sight of his best friend being 'ill treated'.

"Why aren't all the lights turned on?" Kai implored again and Kris blew off the candle flame. Shrieks and yelps were instantly heard all over the room as the twelve of us were plunged into darkness, pitch black. But it was really hard not to burst out laughing when I distinctly made out Tao crying that we were all about to die. Just as I was about to faint from excessive laughter, Chanyeol switched on the light to the living room. A small smile crept into my lips as soon as Sehun wrapped his arms around my waist protectively when he found me from the chaos.

"That's not part of the plan Yifan." Baekhyun hissed angrily. "The candle was supposed to carry the atmosphere."

Kris scoffed. "The tension in this room is enough to snap all of us into half."

"Well now how do you suppose we continue?" Baekhyun barked back, his eyes looking terrifyingly intimidating with his rather fresh coat of eyeliner. As if on cue, Chen appeared from the kitchen, holding an empty bottle of soju. He grinned cheekily at the fuming male and returned back to his original seat, placing the object in the centre of our circle.

"What do you wanna do with a bottle?" Suho asked sceptically, a perfectly trimmed eyebrow arching up.

"We're playing a game." Chanyeol beamed, leaning forward so everyone could hear him. "We have a purpose for this activity, but it's not gonna be revealed until later, if it succeeds- "

"It must." Baekhyun insisted.

"And it will." Chanyeol nodded firmly as he turned to Kris, gesturing for the older to continue. He rolled his eyes in annoyance, but cleared his throat.

"Let me keep this simple." He started. "This is a game of truth or dare, but this time, there is no truth option."

"So every time the bottle lands on someone, he would have to do a dare? No backing out?" Kai asked, horrified. A small smirk instinctively curved onto Baekhyun's lips as we, or more specifically the five of us, eyed the obviously flustered dancer. It just raised our suspicion even more when he began biting his lip nervously when Baekhyun nodded in reply to his question.

"And one more thing before we start, " Chen added, a twisted grin appearing on his curvy lips. "Only Baek, Chan, Kris, Luhan hyung and I get to choose the dares."


Sehun whipped his head over to look at me, his face masked with surprise. He quirked slightly to the right, indirectly asking me why I was one of the special few with the game privileges. Not wanting to accidentally reveal anything to my charming boyfriend, I shrugged as legitimately as I could. Afterall, I knew the five of us were the so called 'gamemasters' of this event, I just didn't expect that they'd actually include me.

"Let's begin." Kris grinned, initiating the first move as spun the bottle. Twelve pairs of eyes were immediately fixed on it, waiting for the result to come through. Visibly, the bottle had already began to slow down, it stopping mildly at D.O, before continuing. I didn't miss the pissed look on Baekhyun's face when it went past our two targets. The gamemasters, including me, let out a inaudible sigh when it landed on Lay.

"Well ain't it obvious what we want you to do?" Chen grinned evilly, darting over to give Suho a quick glance, then back to Lay. The chinese member on the other hand was panic strickened as he eyed me for help, knowing that I was the most soft hearted within the five. However this time, I really couldn't help him. I avoided his gaze and snuggled deeper into Sehun's chest.

"Fine, I'll do it."

But it wasn't Lay who spoke up. Suho hardened his jaw and yanked a hand behind Lay's neck. Pulling him closer till they were at eye level, a soft smile formed on Suho's lips as he leaned in and closed up the distance between them. Gasps resounded throughout the room at the sight of two kissing, Chanyeol and Baekhyun were squealing in delight, considering how their stupid plan really brought a couple to life. Chen and Xiumin shared a quick kiss at the success of Sulay. Sehun too, gave me a chaste peck on the cheek.

"I'm confused as to what going on right now, but I'm sure you're a reason why they've decided to man up to their feelings."

At Sehun's words, my heart fluttered. It was really nice to hear such words from your own boyfriend. I took one last glance at the couple, who had just broken apart.

"Be my boyfriend Jun." Lay interlocked their fingers, pressing his lips on the back of Suho's palm. The rest of us cooed at the proposal as Sehun tugged my body closer to his than it already was. Lay's dimples deepened as he widened his smile, never breaking eye contact with Suho. None of us made a sound, waiting for the leader's answer to the question. We were certain of his reply, but it's magic to hear the very words coming out from his mouth.

But what happened next was contradictory to what I expected.

"Lay, I'm gonna have to say no."

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