Chapter 62: Green Eyes and Angelic Ways

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My blue eyes widened, my heart beat sped up. Andrea is here, to see me...

Then I remembered, I was acting like a baby, get your act together man!

I stumbled up on my feet and I rushed to the door. I was about to rip it open just to see her beautiful face. But then I thought better, my had stopped on the brass knob. I took a deep breath in and out. I fixed my hair and rubbed my swollen, red eyes.

“Louis?” She asked from the other side. I bit my lip. Well, here goes nothing!

I slowly opened the door and a pang of pain hit my chest like a ton of bricks. This heavenly girl in front of me, her long brown hair, her perfect tan skin, her deep green emerald eyes which were hid behind her thick black lashes. She smiled weakly at me, her white teeth showing. She was Andrea. The girl that had boy turning their heads with her sassy walk, although she didn’t realize it. The girl, who all the fans envied, not only because she was mine, but because of her natural beauty. How stunning she always looked and she didn’t even have to try. But she didn’t even know it. She honestly still believed she was ugly. How foolish she was. I cracked a small smile at the thought.

This gorgeous, angelic girl that was standing in front of me, made reality drop on my heart. It felt like a nail on a hammer. I was the lucky one to have her heart. I was the one who sat next to her at the restaurants we went to as all the men stared at her beauty. I could proudly wrap my arm around her shoulder. She was mine! WAS. Tears fell out of my eyes.

I pressed my lips together so hard I felt no blood flow through them. I stepped aside to let Andrea into the room with me.

She cautiously stepped in as her heels clicked on the linoleum floor. I noticed her difference height, being about eye level with me. Usually she is shorter. I shut the door behind her. Her face was scrunched up a little as she turned to face me.

Her arms went to move towards me, but she hesitated. She was about to hug me, but she immediately thought twice about it. She knew it would hurt me even more. She always thought of others before herself.

Instead of hugging me, she slowly reached up. She took my non-injured hand before looking me in the eyes. Her emerald green eyes, I had come to know them better than the back of my hand. I could get lost in her eyes any day, mesmerized by them. They looked so empty, they even lost the shine that once held. They didn’t remember anything, and its showed clear as day.

“I - I had a dream, Louis!” her angelic voice chirped, it sounded almost different though. I furrowed my eyebrows, confused.

“What does that have to do with this? What was the dream about?” I asked, my voice cracked, the rawness present.

“But, I don’t think it was a dream, I think it was a memory!” She said.

My eyes widened in shock, my heart starting to race. A memory! She remembered something! Something, if not anything!! “What happened in this memory?!” I asked, excited.

She cleared her throat before she continued, looking away from my curious gaze, as i tightened my grip on her small hand.

“I was sitting on a couch next to you, you had your arm around my waist. A whole group of people surrounded us. We were in a big house, I’m assuming our house. You told everyone you had an announcement to make. You held out your hand so I could stand up as well. Then you told everyone that we were to get married. And then I woke up, I was in a hospital, and I couldn’t remember anything!” She stated, looking at me anxiously, waiting for my reaction.

My jaw dropped and I stared at her in shock. She remember! It was one simple moment in our time, one that meant so much to me though. The one where I told all of the people that I cared about in my life that I was marrying my girl, the love of my life. But that was months ago.

It was such a bittersweet moment for us. I was ecstatic. I could jump for joy right now! I was so happy that she remembered something.

But, then I remembered what she said before. She woke up after she had the flashback. I was enraged! She had known all this time and hadn’t even bothered to tell me or anyone else?!

“How could you do this to me?!” I shouted, pulling my hand out of hers, and taking a step back. Her eyes widened, shock and fear crossed her face. “You just sat there, watching me cry, because I didn’t think that you remembered anything! AND YET YOU KNEW AND DIDN’T EVEN CARE TO TELL ME!” my voice growing louder and louder by the second. I watched as anger flashed across Andrea’s face.

“It’s not something I could just bring up, Louis! It wasn’t the time or place, I was with all the others when I was around you! I thought it wouldn’t be appropriate to be so open about it! I was just trying to respect your privacy!” she shouted back, as I rolled my eyes.

“It’s been a week, Andrea! I think it may have crossed your mind more than once to tell me that you remember something AS IMPORTANT AS THAT??”

“LOUIS, I DON’T EVEN KNOW YOU ANYMORE OR ANYONE FOR THAT MATTER! IT’S KINDA HARD TO START A CONVERSATION WITH SOMEONE I DON’T EVEN KNOW!! I DON’T EVEN KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT YOU OR ANYONE ELSE!!” Her face was red with anger, nostrils were flared. My face crumpled at her words. She spoke the truth. She didn’t know me or anything about me.

My voice dropped down to a whisper. I sniffled, willing back the tears that I knew were going to come. “I think you could be a little more considerate. Do you know how hard it is for me to stand back and watch the love of my life not remember me or anything about me?”

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before opening her eyes again to look at me. “No, I don’t. But, I do know that it is hard to love someone you don’t know. Someone you don’t even remember or know anything about them. It’s hard, Louis! It’s really hard!”

My gaze dropped to the ground, I couldn’t even look her in the eyes. I felt my heart swell. I realized we were both in pain and although she couldn’t remember much about me at all, she was still thinking the best for me. I am such a selfish bitch, why didn’t I ever think that she was in as just as much pain as I am in?

“Andrea, I am so sor-” my words were cut off by soft lips crashing onto mine, moving against mine. My jaw dropped as she continued to kiss me. Her small, warm hands pulled on my neck, tugging me closer to her, when my senses snapped back to me.

I am just standing here like an idiot, while the girl I thought I would never ever kiss again was kissing me.

I finally kissed her back, holding her hips. That's when I realized how right this felt. How much I missed her kisses, how much I craved her touch.

When we finally pulled away, we were both panting, trying to catch our breaths. I stared at her shocked. Our foreheads were pressed together and I could almost cry with all the emotions rushing through my veins right now. What had just happened?

“Andrea... What was that?” I asked, confused.

She smiled lightly and giggled, before whispering. “Just because I can’t remember loving you doesn’t mean I’m not willing to try!” She said giddily.

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