Chapter 87: Your Worst Nightmare

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(A/N: Sean Faris will be playing Devon Smith)

I woke up and found myself tied to a chair in a dark place. It looked like a basement of some sort. I struggled to get out whatever had my hands tied up. I heard someone’s laughter, sounded like a guys. He came into view. It was my fucking ex-boyfriend, Devon.

“The fuck do you want?” I asked.

“Tsk tsk, Andrea, don’t use that tone with me.” He replied with a warning tone.

“I can talk to you however the hell I would like to talk to you!” I replied.

Devon untied me from the chair and slapped me hard across the face. I fell to the floor and he kicked me hard in the stomach. He picked me up and threw me onto the bed. I coughed up blood, but he continued to attack me. I continued to cough up blood until he left. I laid in the bed in pain from his attack. I had cuts and bruises all over my body. I laid there until I eventually fell asleep.

--A Few Hours Later--

I woke up to find Devon standing over me. I scooted to the other side of the bed, away from him. He had this evil smirk on his face and had two of his men hold me down while he stripped all of my clothes off. He was going to rape me. He went inside me and he was so violent, the tears started running down my face. Once he left, I just laid there naked and humiliated. He then came in and he was talking to someone. He put it on speaker.

“Say hello to your girl, Tomlinson.” He said, chuckling deeply.

“Louis!” I yelled.

“Andrea, it’s okay. You’re going to be okay.” Louis tried to reassure me.

I screamed when Devon slapped me across the face.

“Devon, keep your hands off of her. I swear to god, as soon as I get my hands on you, I’m going to torture you so bad, you wished you never laid hands on my wife!” Louis said, angrily.

I screamed again as he threw me to the ground and kicked me in the stomach again.

“Devon, you’re going to fucking pay when I get my hands on you! You’re not getting away with this!” Louis shouted.

He kicked me again and I coughed up more blood, “Louis, Louis, please make it stop!” I begged.

“Andrea, everything will be okay!” He cooed.

Devon then grabbed his knife and cut my arm as I screamed out in pain, “Louis!”

“Andrea!” He shouted, then he hung up.

I left a couple of more cuts on my body then left me bleeding on the floor. I crawled over to Pete in my arms, trying to get him to stop crying. He eventually fell back asleep and I used his crib to get up off the floor and placed him back in his crib. I hobbled over to the bed and collapsed onto the mattress. I soon was asleep again.

--The Next Day--

I woke up to a slap to the face, “Wake up, Bitch!” He told me.

I groaned, “Here, eat this. And shut up that damn baby, it’s been crying all morning.” He told me.

I hobbled over to Pete and picked him up out of his crib. I rocked him back and forth while Devon gave me a bottle to feed him. I fed him the entire bottle and then burped him, he was out like a light within 5 minutes. I slowly ate my food and within half an hour I was vomiting it back out along with blood. I realized I couldn’t keep any food down and I was losing weight very fast. I realized I was going to get worse and soon all I was going to be was skin and bones.

I slowly made my way over to my bed and laid down. I sighed and let a painful breath out. Everything hurt. It hurt to breath, it hurt to talk, it hurt to walk/hobble/crawl, it hurt to cry. I just wanted to be in Louis’ arms and everything would be okay again. But, I knew I wouldn’t be okay for a long time. After I got back, I knew I would still be far from okay. I would be scarred and broken for a while. It would be a very slow process.

Just then, the door opened and two burly, strong men dragged me up the stairs to Devon. They threw me to the ground in front of him. He yanked me up off the floor by my hair.

He slapped me across the face and I fell to the floor again, “Get up, Bitch!” He commanded.

He yanked me up by my hair again and punched me straight in the eye, causing me to fall to the floor again. He kicked me in the stomach several times, causing me to cough up more blood. I knew soon I would run out of blood. I was incredibly weak and he knew that. He continued attacking me until two of his men came back and threw me back down the stairs. I curled into a ball and fell asleep, not knowing when I would wake up.

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