Chapter 64: Upset About Past Events

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I woke up to an empty bed. I went to see if anyone else was up! I walked out to the living room to find it completely empty! Same with all the bedrooms! I started crying while dialing Louis’ number on my phone. He picked up on the third ring:

(L = Louis, A = Andrea)

L: Hello?” He asked.

A: “Where did you all go?” I asked, trying to hide the sadness in my voice.

L: “Oh shit, I’m so sorry, princess! We are on our way home right now! We’ll be there soon!” He said, then hung up.

I went to sit on the top of the step still thinking about what just happened. I thought they had all left me! Even though I still didn’t know that well, I was slowly learning more and more about them. I just sat there thinking. Half an hour later, I heard the front door open and I practically jumped into Louis’ arms. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly. He buried his face into my hair while mumbling, “I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you princess.” He continued to nuzzle his head into my hair while trying to comfort me.

Soon, I pulled away. Louis started apologizing, “I’m so sorry, love! I never meant to leave you alone! I should have left a note or something! Oh gosh, I even made you cry! I am so sorry, love! I didn’t mean to make you cry.” He said.

I looked up with him at him and told him the truth, “I’m upset because I thought you left me and were never coming back,” the tears pricking my eyes again.

“Love, I would never leave you, ever! I’m not going here anywhere until you force me too!” He said.

“I don’t want you to leave ever!” I said, starting to cry again.

He pulled me into a hug before saying, “I promise, I’m not going anywhere, princess! I’m here to stay!” He said, before burying his face in my hair again. I soon pulled away and went to sit on the couch. Louis followed me and sat right next to me. He then asked, “Are you okay now, love?”

“I’m good now, thanks for asking!” I said with a smile on my face.

We sat and talked for hours. We talked about anything and everything, I felt like I knew Louis forever, even though I couldn’t remember much about him. I was slowly start to learn more about him. I think I was falling in love with him again and I smiled at that thought. I wouldn’t mind spending the rest of my life with this boy. Soon, I felt my eyes drooping and before I knew it I was asleep on Louis’ lap.

ANDREA, GET DOWN HERE YOU WHORE!” My dad yelled. “Gosh, you’re so nice dad!” I thought to myself.

I ran into the living room and dodged a bottle my dad had thrown at me. “What?” I asked, annoyed.

“YOU’RE A SLUT AND WHORE! NOBODY LOVES YOU! YOU ARE A WORTHLESS EXCUSE FOR A DAUGHTER, YOUR MOTHER DIDN’T EVEN LOVE YOU! THAT'S WHY SHE RAN OFF, YOU WERE A MISTAKE! YOU ARE THE REASON SHE IS DEAD!” He yelled at me. He came over to me and started hitting, punching, and kicking me. I got away from him and grabbed my duffel bag that I always had packed.  I jumped out my window and ran as my fast as I could out of there. But, I wasn’t fast enough because my father threw his pocket knife at me and it hit my shoulder. “THAT’S RIGHT, SLUT, RUN AWAY! JUST REMEMBER, NOBODY LOVES YOU!” He shouted as I ran away from him.

Then, I woke up. I woke up in a cold sweat and I realized Louis was laying next to me. Curiosity and fear showed in his eyes. “Princess, what’s wrong?” He asked.

“I just had a nightmare! But it seemed so real!” I said.

“What was the nightmare about?” He asked.

“I ran away from my father!”  I said.

“Love, that’s not a dream! That’s a memory, I think you’re starting to get your memory back!” He said.

“Really?” I asked.

“Yup, because that one of my first memories about you!” he said.

I yawned and could feel my eyes drooping. “Go to sleep, love! I will still be here when I still be here when you wake up!” He said. I slowly fell asleep to him singing. “They don’t know about the things we do!” Then, I fell into a deep sleep.

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