Chapter 14: Possible Suicide, Another Restored Relationship, and Love (Part 3)

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I just got off the phone with Andrea. We would have to have a meeting with management later. My girlfriend was more important. Not only was she hospitalized, but Zayn was too. We still had not heard anything about him yet. But, I didn't care about him right now. All I cared about is Andrea. I wonder what is wrong! She sounded so worried on the phone. I felt something run down my cheek, then I realized I was crying.

"Lou?" Liam said. "Lou, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" He asked.

"Guys, we need to get to the hospital, NOW!! Something is wrong with Andrea, I could hear it in her voice. She sounded scared." I said, worried.

"Let's go then." Niall said.

We all got up and hopped into the car. I texted Perrie and told her to meet us outside the hospital.

Hey, meet us outside the hospital. We are on our way, Andrea said she doesn't feel right.

Louis :D

Okay Lou. Do you know what is wrong with her?

Perrie <3

No, when we were on the phone with her, she said she felt funny. She said she didn't know what it was, but she said she didn't feel right. I just hope she is okay. :/

Louis :D

I'm sure she is fine, Lou. Just hang in there, I will wait. I am outside the hospital. Hurry!!

Perrie <3

Okay, Per. We are almost there. See you. :)

Louis :D

Okay, see you. :)

Perrie <3

We got to the hospital and all hopped out of our car. We ran up to the hospital entrance, where there was paparazzi. Lots of paparazzi. We grabbed Perrie and ran inside. We ran up to Andrea's room and burst through the door. I ran over to bed and laid down beside down her.

"Hey Andrea, what's wrong?" I asked, concerned.

"I don't know, I feel light headed and dizzy. My stomach feels queasy. And now I am having trouble breathing." She said.

I could tell her breathing was shallow because she was breathing very heavily. She was taking short, fast breaths and they were becoming closer together. "Liam, go get a doctor NOW!!" I said. Liam quickly ran out the room to find a doctor. "Andrea, just calm down. Liam went to get a doctor." I said. Then I noticed splotchy red spots all over her skin. "Andrea, what are these?" I asked. "Guys, come look at these spots on her skin.

The boys quickly came over to look at the red spots that covered her skin. "I think I am having a severe allergic reaction to something. That is a rash, Lou. I feel like my throat is closing up." She said, panicked. "What do they have me on?!?! If it is aspirin, my mom is allergic. I only had it once, I don't really know if I'm allergic or not. I have never been tested. The only thing I am allergic to is sulfa. It gives me hives." She said, getting more panicky. "What is going on?" She asked. "Someone help me, please!!" She begged.

Just then Liam barged through the door, with a doctor in tow behind him. The doctor ran over to Andrea, I hopped off the bed so he could look at her. "Andrea, what medications have you had today?" He asked. "I don't know. Ask the nurse." She said. He quickly got her chart and look at what medication she had had. He then showed her the chart. "Oh My God! I think I am allergic to the aspirin. My mother is severely allergic. She wanted me to get tested, but I never did. I. Can't. Breathe." She panicked.

The doctor then started to run around and grabbing things, jabbing more needles into her skin. I started panicking. I buried my head in my hands. I started crying. Liam came over and pulled me up. He then pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back and just cried into his shirt. "Shh, Lou. She is going to be okay." We all walked out of the room. I just stood there and hugged Liam. He eventually let go. "Lou, look at me." I looked up at him. "Lou, I know it is scary right now, but she is strong. She is going to make it. You just have to have faith in the doctors. Let them do their job and she will be better in no time." He said, trying to make me feel better.

I nodded, then the doctor came out to talk to us. "She is in a coma. We don't know when she will come out of it. But, the severe allergic reaction to the aspirin caused her to go into a coma." He said. Then he left.

I quickly got up and ran out of the hospital. I heard footsteps behind me, but I didn't look back. I just kept running. I heard the boys calling my name behind me "Lou, Lou come back." But, I didn't listen. I just kept running. I eventually stopped running. I slid down the wall and put my head in my hands. I heard someone come sit beside me, but I didn't bother to look at who it was. "Lou, I am so sorry. We don't know how you feel. This must be awful for you. But, we all hate to see you like this. She is going to make it. Remember the promise she made you, she promised never to leave you. She is going to keep that promise, I know it." Harry said.

I looked up at him and he looked like he was about to cry. He hated to see me like this. He know he couldn't do anything, even though he really wanted to. He was my best mate, I can't just not talk to him. "Harry, I hate to see her in pain like this. Every time I see her cry, it makes me want to cry. Every time she is in pain, I am in pain. It hurts me to see her like that. I just want to kiss the pain away." I said. I had stopped crying.

"Let's go back, I'm sure they are wondering where you are." He said. I got up and we walked into the hospital. I walked into the waiting room. Liam and Niall rushed over to me. "Are you okay, Lou?" I sat down and said "No."

"Lou, she is going to be okay. You just have to have faith in the doctors and the medicine. She will come out of her coma, okay. She promised never to leave you, and she is going to keep that promise." Liam said, trying to cheer me up.

"I'm gonna go check on her," I said. When I walked into the room, she had her eyes open, and she was crying.

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