Chapter 89: Hopelessness

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I woke up and found food by me. I didn’t eat any of it though, I knew it would come right back up if I tried. I could keep water down, that’s about it. I had grown so weak I couldn’t walk anymore. I had to crawl if I wanted to go anywhere. I crawled over to Pete and used his crib as a support. I lifted him out as best I could and fed him his bottle. I burped him and set him back in the crib. I crawled back over to the bed and got back in it. I heard the door slam open and Devon came down.

He slapped me across the face, “You’re so worthless, how could anyone love you.” He sneered at me.

He continued his attack until he decided he had enough and left the room, leaving me alone again. I cried silently to myself, knowing I was stuck here. Devon had officially broken me. I had lost hope long ago. All those day I prayed that Louis would find me, but he never did. I cried because I had given up on hoping that someone would rescue me from this nightmare. This was hell in it’s purest form. Devon was the devil and this was his torture. I wished I was dead, then I would at least feel some peace and I wouldn’t be in pain anymore.

I coughed up more blood as I slowly came out of my thoughts. Devon had had a doctor in two or three times to give me more blood so that way I wouldn’t die. I began to numb the pain out. It would happen on and off. I would numb it out for a while, then it would come back full force, causing me to cry out due to all the bruises and cuts on my body. My body was literally black and blue from all the bruises I had. I was covered in them. I had scars from all the cuts I had as well. I was literally skin and bones because I couldn’t keep any food down. I looked so sickly, I was as white as a ghost. I looked like a rag doll. My hair was a rats nest and I had bags under my eyes cause I wasn’t getting enough sleep. My skin was sunken in on my face. I was literally sick. There was literally not a single ounce of fat on my body. I was sick and if I didn’t get out of here soon, I would end up dying down here. I slowly fell asleep, letting my thoughts take over.

--A Few Hours Later--

I woke up to yelling, “Wake up, you worthless whore!” I immediately recognized the voice as my fathers.

He came bounding down the stairs and threw me to the ground and kicked me in the stomach as Devon laughed at my pain. Devon started hitting and kicking me while my father did hit and kicked me. Soon, they grew tired and they eventually left, but not after verbally abusing me. I cried and cried after that. They might as well just kill me now instead of putting me through this torture another day. It’s like they enjoyed doing torturing me. They laughed at my pain and it brought joy to them. I laid on the ground while I continued to cough up blood. I slowly slipped into unconsciousness as I heard my son crying across the room.

--A Few Hours Later--

My father and Devon came in again and attacked me with their words.

“What does he see in you?”

“How could someone like him love someone like you?”

“You’re a nobody!”

“You’re a pig!”

“You’re a slut!”

“You’re a whore!”

“Why are you still here?”

“Why do you continue to live? No one loves you!”

“You were never loved and you never will be loved!”

“You are a worthless piece of shit!”

This continued for hours, them throwing insults at me and hurting me with their words. They soon left and I was mentally and physically drained. I slipped into unconsciousness for the night, waiting to see what tomorrow would bring.

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