Chapter 85: Fights

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I woke up and realized Stan and Louis were still asleep. I got up and went downstairs. I ran into Louis getting some aspirin from the medicine cabinet.

“Nice to see you had the decency to get up!” I greeted him.

“What the hell I do? I’m in no mood to be arguing this morning!” He stated.

“What didn’t you do? You came home pissed drunk and your mates and I had to take care of you. I was left to take care of Pete by myself last night. Stan had the decency to not get pissed drunk last night so he could take care of your sorry ass last night.” I yelled at him.

“I went out with Stan last night, I have the right to drink. Why the hell are you so upset?” He yelled back.

 "God, why do you have to make me look like the bad guy, Louis? You can go drink, but you had no right to go get that drunk that you completely incapable of taking care of yourself!” I yelled.

“I was not that fucking drunk! I was perfectly capable of taking care of myself!” He yelled.

“God Dammit, Louis, you could barely stand. You were all over the place. Stan had to help you inside because you couldn’t one foot in front of the other.” I yelled.

“Dammit Andrea, why don’t you just fuck off. You don’t know anything, just shut the hell up! Just ‘cause I married you doesn’t me you are the boss of me. And you can handle Pete by yourself, you have before.” He yelled.

“You know what, maybe I will. Call me when you have your fucking head screwed on straight!” I yelled. I grabbed Pete and packed a bag and packed enough for 3 or 4 nights. I grabbed my car keys and slipped on mine and Pete’s shoes.

I hopped into my car, buckling Pete into his car seat, and sped off into the city. I quickly texted 5SOS boys, asking if I could stay with them for a little while.

To: Ash, Cal, Luke, Mikey

Mind if I stay with you guys? Louis and I had a fight this morning and I’m not ready to go back there yet.

From: Ash, Cal, Luke, Mikey

Of course, we don’t mind. I’m sorry, hope you guys work it out. Just stop by whenever. :)


I then texted Stan and the other boys.

To: Stan

Hey, took Pete with me. Will be staying with the 5SOS boys for a few days. I’m okay, just need some time away from him.

To: Leeyum, Harreh, Zaynie, Nialler, Josh

Won’t be at the concert tonight, the girls will have to perform without me. I’m not ready to see him yet. Good luck. :)

I pulled up to their house and hopped out, unbuckling Pete from his car seat and grabbing my bag. I knocked and was greeted by Luke and Ash. Ash took Pete and I dropped my bag on the ground, falling into Luke’s arms. He wrapped his arms around my waist as I cried into his chest. He led me up to his room. He laid me down and he laid down next to me. Soon my sobs turn into hiccups.

“Wanna talk about it?” Luke asks, wiping the remaining tears off my face.

“He has the decency to go get pissed drunk. Zayn ended up helping Stan carry him inside. Stan stayed with me last night to take care of anything I needed help with. I was pissed at him this morning. He told me he wasn’t that drunk. Then, he proceeded to tell me that I didn’t know anything and that I can just shut the hell up.” I replied.

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