Chapter 15: Restored Friendships

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Lou was trying to comfort me, but it wasn't working! I just wanted to talk to Zayn. I needed to apologize! He needed to know how sorry I was, it is all my fault that he did this to himself!! No one was going to comfort me until I could talk to him. Suddenly, the door burst open. Zayn, Isaac, and Gerard came rushing in.

"Andrea, are you okay? What's wrong?" They all asked, simultaneously.

"Zayn, can I talk to you alone?" I asked, still crying.

"Sure, guys can we have a minute?" He asked the others. They replied, "Sure, take as long as you need. We will just be outside." Then, they left.

"What's wrong, Andrea?" Zayn asked.

"I'm sorry, Zayn" I started. "I'm sorry I hurt you, I'm sorry you tried to commit suicide. This is all my fault! If I hadn't yelled at you and ignored you, you wouldn't be in this situation!! I am truly sorry!" I said, crying again.

He came over to my bed and comfort me, "Andrea, I am sorry, too. This is not all your fault. Everyone hated me for what I did. But, I forgave them. Perrie forgave me and we are back together! I forgive you too." He said, hugging me tighter.

Then he said, "I will text the boys and tell them to come back in here."

Hey, you can come back in now. We are done talking.

Bradford Bad Boi ;)

Ok, what did you guys talk about anyways?

Li :p

We told each other we are sorry. The rest I'm not comforatable telling you.

Bradford Bad Boi ;)

Ok, we're coming!

Liam :p


Bradford Bad Boi ;)

They walked in and found Zayn comforting me. "Shh, everything will be all right." He kept whispering in my ear. "Is she going to be okay?" Lou asked.

"Yeah, she just needs time to calm down." He said.

"Lou, can you come over here?" I asked.

Zayn let go of me, Lou came rushing over and hugged me tightly. I started bawling into his chest. "Shh, everthing is all right now!" He whisphered to me.

I soon calmed down, then feel into a deep sleep.

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