Chapter 14: Possible Suicide, Another Restored Relationship, and Love (Part 4)

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I was laying in bed, and I could hear voices. "That's weird," I thought, "I was so sure I was dying!" I slowly opened my eyes, and saw Andrea's brother sitting there, talking quietly.

"Um, what happened? I thought I was dead." I said, confused.

"Yeah, Liam found you in the bathroom. The doctors flushed the pills out of your system. We are all glad you are okay. We are all sorry we hurt you, especially Gerard and I. We shouldn't have been so harsh on you. The boys are visiting Andrea right now. But, Gerard and I are truly sorry and are glad you are alright!" Isaac said.

"Yeah, I deserve to be dead though. Everyone hates me because of what I did. I am better off dead. I screw up everything up good in my life!!" I said, frustrated. Why weren't they more angry?

"Zayn, don't say that! We don't hate you! Not me, not Gerard, not Lou, not Andrea, Not Ni, not Li, Not Harry, Not Perrie. No one hates you, Perrie even said she wants to get back together with you! She loves you, we all love you!! Get that through your mind!" Isaac stated rather harshly.


"I'm right here, babe. No need to yell!" She stated calmly.

"Perrie, I am so sorry!! I love you so much, more than you know. I love you with all my heart. I will never do anything like that again. I was stupid and made a mistake, I never want to lose you again." I said, with all my heart. "Will you be my girlfriend again?" I asked, nervously.

"I would love too, Zayn!! I have been waiting for you to ask forever!!" She smiled at me and gave me a peck on the lips. Isaac's phone buzzed, and he went to answer it. He put it on speaker phone so we could all hear the conversation.

"Hey Morgan, what's up?" He asked.

"I heard Andrea is in the hospital. What happened?" She asked.

"She got very upset. You know how bad she gets when she is upset, babe." He said.

"Yeah, I know. But, why is she upset?" She asked.

"Her boyfriend broke up with her, because she was drunk and she kissed one of his best mates. He was upset, and so she cut herself. Then, he was so upset with himself, his best mate tried to commit suicide. She is back together with her boyfriend. And his best mate is okay." He stated.

"I'm glad everyone is okay. I'm heading there now. I miss you, babe. We haven't been able to hang out a whole lot. I love you, Isaac. See you at the hospital."

"I know, babe. I love you too, Morgan. But, I was just reunited with my sister. And now she is in the hospital. I promise after all this is over, we will get some quality time together, I promise. Love you, bye." He said.

Aww, I thought. That is true love, right there. Then, Gerard's phone started ringing. He put it on speaker phone so we could hear the conversation as well. "Hey, babe. What's up?" he asked.

"I heard Andrea is in the hospital, is everything alright?" She asked.

"Well..." He told her everything that happened.

"Well, I'm glad she is okay. I'm heading to the hospital. Love you, Gerard. After this is over, we will spend quality time together. See you at the hospital." She said.

"Yeah, we all are. Love you too, Destiny. We will definitely do that. See you." He said, hanging up.

"Well, I would like to meet your girlfriends!!" I said.

Then, all our phones buzzed, indicating that we got a text. It was from Liam, it said, "Andrea is awake, you can come to see her. She is crying though, and we can't figure out why. She won't talk to us, not even Lou. We are trying to get her to talk, but she just sits there and cries. She won't say anything at all."

We all texted back: "We will be right there. Just be patient with her, will be there in a minute."

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