Chapter 68: The Wedding (Part 2)

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As soon as Andrea left, I went to go confront her brother! He shouldn’t have talked to her like that! He of all people should understand that this is a sensitive topic. He should not be talking like that all! He lived with her, her whole life! He knew what her dad was like, because they grew up together. They were supposed to protect each other, not put each other down!

I found Gerard yelling at him in the hallway. I walked up to him. “What do you want?” He asked. “Who do you think you talking to your sister like that? You know that her dad is a sensitive topic for her! You had no right to yell at her like that! You grew up with her, you of all people should know what he did for her! Even after you left he was still doing it to her! So, don’t give me any shit about how she should get over it! Because, she still has nightmares about him, even though he’s been locked up for a long time! So don’t say that she needs to get over it or she deserves what you said to her, because she sure as hell doesn’t! You need to be there for your sister, not yell at her!” I said, my face red from anger.

“She just needs to get over herself. She’s still scared that our father is going to come after her, well he’s not, so she can just get over it! I’m sick of hearing about it!” Isaac said.

“What the hell is wrong with you? You never used to be like this, Isaac! What happened to my fun, loving brother who would do anything to protect our sister? Where’s that guy?” Gerard yelled.

"He’s dead! Long gone! For all I care, Andrea can just suck it up and get over it! Our father is long gone!” Isaac yelled back.

“What is your fucking problem?” I asked, getting up in his face.

“You are, you need to stop defending my sister! She’s weak, she can’t defend herself, and she’s being a bitch because she can’t get over our father!” Isaac yelled at me.

Then I did something that I never thought I would do to any of her loved ones. I slapped him, and I slapped him hard! Soon we were throwing punches at each other. They boys came running out of my room to break up the fight. Liam and Zayn took Isaac into one room & Niall and Harry took me into a different room. They got us cleaned up and Andrea came back and went to her room with the other girls to get ready. I don’t know what her brother’s problem is, but I know he never used to be like that. I found myself asking the same question that Gerard asked him earlier, what happened to the fun loving brother who would do anything to protect his sister? I heard the boys walk in and I looked up.

“Louis, what was that about earlier? Why were you and Isaac fighting like that? What were you guys arguing about? The whole neighborhood could hear you and Gerard fighting with Isaac!” Liam said.

“He was being difficult! I confronted him after he yelled at Andrea about her father. He basically said she is weak, pathetic, she needs to get over herself, and that she was a bitch!” I said, snarling under my breath.

“WHAT, WHY WOULD HE DO THAT?!?” Liam yelled, outraged.

“That’s what I’m asking myself! I have a feeling that we need to look further into this though! I have a feeling that this is bigger than we think!” I said.

“What you think someone telling him what to do or paying him to do or act like this?” Niall asked.

“I have a felling something like that is going on. Because, he was perfectly fine a couple days ago! Ever since he went out last night, when he came back he was acting all bitchy! I thought you guys were just ignoring it though!” I said.

“Now that you mention it, yeah, he has been acting kinda strange! We have some spying to do boys!” Zayn said, smirking.

We sat in our room watching TV quietly so we could hear Isaac if he left the room. We heard a door open and Harry peaked his head out the door to see who it was. He signaled us over, we quietly followed him outside and what we saw next shocked us...


Haha, fooled you guys! Chapter isn’t over yet!


We saw their father talking to him! We stayed hidden so they couldn’t see us. What is he doing at her wedding? I thought he was supposed to be in jail! What the hell is he doing at our wedding? Shit, I totally forgot about Andrea! I need to tell Paul, we have to make sure Andrea doesn’t find out! She would freak if she found out her father was here!

I quickly and quietly headed back inside. I went to find Paul. When I couldn’t find him, I took my phone out and called him.” Hey Paul, meet me at the church, I need to talk to you! See you in 5!” I hung up, hopped in my car and drove to the church. Paul was waiting outside the church and headed inside.

“What’s up? You sounded pretty serious on the phone!” He said.

“Look, we followed Isaac because we were suspicious about the way he was acting! When we followed him we saw him, we saw her father too! He must be paying him or something! He’s pretty much telling him what to do! We cannot let Andrea know about this! She would freak if she found out her father was here! Just let the security guards know to keep an eye out for her father!” I said.

“Okay, now get back to the hotel! Before anyone gets suspicious! See you in a few hours!” Paul said.

“See you, Paul!” I said.

With that I headed back to the church, waiting for the wedding to start and to see my blushing bride walk down the aisle!

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