Episode Fifty-Five

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Bumblestar: Welcome back to 101 Ways to Kill a Cat, the show that probably shouldn't be legal! Today, we're going to show Millie how to hunt a bear.

Millie: Will hunting the bear help Briarlight?

Littlecloud: Ahem. I can testify, as a real medicine cat, that hunting a bear will in fact help Briarlight because bears have magical healing powers in their saliva.


Bumblestar: I can help you with that.

*In a dark, secluded place in the forest next to a giant cave*

Bumblestar: Okay, Millie, just pop in there and rip that bear apart! Remember to hop in its mouth so you can defeat it from the inside out.

Millie: *practically foaming at the mouth* FOR BRIARLIFHTTTHGFSYHGRGHFHREv *runs straight into the bear's den*

Bumblestar: And now, we wait.


Bumblestar: She's quiet! It's all over now...stupid she-cat. This conclude our ep-

*Millie emerges from the den, dragging the dead body of a bear*

Millie: RARRRGGHHHH *brandishes a vile of bear saliva*

Bumblestar: HOLY [CENSORED]

Littlecloud: *whispers* we didn't plan for this.

Bumblestar: What do we do?

Littlecloud: I say we enact Plan B.

Bumblestar: Got it. *gets out the Whacking Stick* Hey, Millie, this stick will...er...do something for Briarlight if you stand underneath it and don't move!

Millie: YEsssSSsSSSEESSS *runs underneath the stick*

Bumblestar: *uses the stick to whack Millie off of a cliff* There we go! That'll conclude this episode of 101 Ways to Kill a Cat, featuring Millie!

by firee (ps netflix is down send help)

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