Episode Thirty-Six

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Bumblestar: Hello everyone! Today we have a very special guest to help us out; it's Crazystar.

Crazystar: I can wipe out humanity in less than two years :D

Blossomfall: Isn't Duskie supposed to be the evil one?

Crazystar: Well y'know, Duskie threatens to kill people while I just do it ;) 

Duskie: *floats down from the Dark Forest* She means I make the master plans while she does the manual labor. *floats away*

Bumblestar: What do you have in mind Crazystar?

Crazystar: *laughs evilly and plays with a few weapons*

Bumblestar: I'll just go with it. Hey Millie, come out, Briarlight is in trouble!

Millie: OH NOES!!!!!!!! What's wrong?

Crazystar: Briarlight is stuck in my oven.

*Millie jumps into the oven*

*Crazystar turns temperature up to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and holds the oven door shut*

Crazystar: Oh, I just love cooking! :D

Blossomfall: That's not generally what cooking means.

Crazystar: Fine, baking. *pulls a roasted Millie out of the oven*

Bumblestar: This should be a cooking show.

*Crazystar pulls out Millie's organs and slices off her head*

Crazystar: Feels just like making Thanksgiving dinner! :D *grabs a massive steak knife and begins chopping Millie into slices* 

Crazystar: And now I think I'll serve her with cranberry sauce! Okay, I'm done. 

Bumblestar: Well, thank you for coming. You know, you might even be more evil than me, Crazystar.

Crazystar: Of course I am, I invented you. The mother ship will arrive soon, people of the planet Earth!

Bumblestar: What do you mean?

Crazystar: You'll know soon enough >:) Let's just say it involves these two words: human extinction.

A/N: Hey, it's Crazystar here! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, I haven't written a segment of this book in awhile.

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