Chapter 2:Get Together

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Now that I said that.This part may be a bit blank so,sorry about that.Not the best writer.Now,ON WITH THE STORY!!!


Frisk's P.O.V.

I felt slightly dizzy as I fell into Sans' bony arms."Oh,sorry kid.Forgot your still getting used to that..."he said,helping me stand up properly as I blushed.

Everyone just kept staring at me.Well,except Sans and Asriel.Papyrus,Undyne,Alphys and Mettaton are indeed staring at me.I could feel myself blush even deeper from the embarrassment and awkwardness.Sigh...

"H-Hey,Undyne,Alphys,Papyrus and Ton-ton..."

"Uh,Sans?Did you get the right Frisk?This one's eyes are open."Undyne asked."Guilty as charged.I'm sure,down to the bone."Sans,replied,ending it with a pun as Papyrus groaned and still looked at me.

"WOWIE!THE HUMAN HAVE EYES!"!THEY'RE SO PRETTY!"Papyrus shouted."Nice chocolate eyes,punk."Undyne said,fist bumping with me."Those eyes are gorgeous,darling!"Mettaton praised."Y-Yeah,Frisk.T-They are r-really beautiful..."Alphys said,shyly."Thanks,guys."I thanked them,smiling back.


*Your friends' wonderful praises which are given to you fills you with determination!


"Now,come on!I'm bored already!"Undyne complained."Okay,why don't the girls go for coffee in the coffee shop just outside the street while me,Papyrus and Asriel will stay here just chilling.And we'll play some games later."Sans suggested.He had really grown."Besides,I don't wanna feel bonely..."he said.I giggled at the pun as Papyrus groaned."NOW'S NOT THE TIME SANS!"

"Well,let's go,darlings."Mettaton said,holding my hand,like I'm a child."I'm not a child anymore,Ton-ton."I giggled."Non sense!"he objected.

Me,Alyphys,Undyne and Mettaton headed out saying goodbye to the skelebros.We decided to walk to the coffee shop for some time talking.

"Sans,seems really cool..."I thought out loud without realizing.Then they bursted laughing as my face turned red."It's...quite...obvious...really..."Undyne said,between laughs."Darling,it's very obvious."Mettaton said,calming down."Y-Yeah,Frisk.T-This romance i-is like what y-you see in a-anime!"Alphys said.

"You should ask him out,Frisk."Mettaton suggested.I shook my head."No!I-It should be the g-guy to ask the g-girl out!"Alphys objected."Just get together already!"Undyne complained."Nah.It won't work out anyway.I'm a human.He's a monster."I said,my smile turning into a frown.My soul broke emotionally into millions of pieces as I said those words."Don't say that Frisk,trust me..."Undyne said,suspiciously.Then the three giggled.What do they have in mind?

"L-Let's forget about that!"I stuttered as we walked into the coffee shop.They shrugged their shoulders.Inside the coffee shop,monsters and humans are sitting on their tables,chatting and drinking their coffee or eating some pastries.We sat on a table.

A waitress came in front of us.She was a female human.With strawberry blonde hair with deep blue eyes.A golden name tag was placed on her uniform.It said Honey.Name's Honey.(A/N:Bad name I know.Bear with meh)"Hello,what can I get you four?"she asked."I'll take a chocolate chip coffee shake please."I said.(A/N:I feel like we're in Starbucks now.)She nodded."How about you guys?"I asked the gang."I'll take a sea tea."Undyne said."C-Cinnamon bunny p-please..."Alpyhs said."A glamburger will be great,darling."Mettaton said.The waiter nodded and left.

"Anyway,Undyne,Alphys,how are you two doing?Still dating,I suppose?"I asked.The fact that Undyne's arm is on Alphys' shoulder making her blush like a tomato-e.Hehe..."Yeah!The relationship is going great!"she replied.

"How about you,Mettaton?How are you and Papyrus?"I asked and looked at her."Oh,well,Frisk darling,we're secretly dating."he answered."WAIT WHAT?!"we gasped."Yep.Don't tell Sans yet."he said."Since when?"I asked."Since 2 years ago."Mettaton said.We all giggled.

Then,the waiter came back with what we ordered.She placed the food on the table and smiled.She then left.

We talked and ate our food,well,some drank their drinks,including me.It was fun.

Sans' P.O.V.

"So,what do you guys wanna do?"I asked."WHY DON'T WE EAT THE GREAT PAPYRUS' SPAGHETTI!"Papyrus suggested."Sure!"Asriel cheered.

Papyrus walked to the kitchen,humming.I walked towards Asriel."You have no idea..."I whispered.Yeah,he haven't tasted my bro's spaghetti.It was so bad but now,it's nice.It had improved."Hehe..."he chuckled.


Papyrus came back with 3 plates of spaghetti.We ate the spaghetti on the sofa,both talking.

And I swear Asriel's face was shocked when he first tasted the good-not-so-good spaghetti.I chuckled.But,he ate the whole plate like me and Papyrus did.

When we finished eating,Papyrus grabbed our plates and washed them up in the kitchen.Soon,he came back and we sat on the couch.

Asriel and Papyrus are talking loudly but I kept quiet.I just can't stop thinking about Frisk.

She's just perfect...With her tan skin,her chocolate brown eyes,her sweet smile and laugh,her shiny brown hair...Am I having feelings for the human?

"Sans?You seem oddly quiet..."Asriel asked,snapping me out of my day dream.I shook my head."ARE YOU ALRIGHT?"Pap asked."Yeah...I'm fine,Pap,Asriel...I'm just bone tired..."I replied with a pun.

They looked at each other and smiled."You have feelings for Frisk,don't you."Asriel said with a sly smirk."YES,BROTHER!FOR I,THE GREAT PAPYRUS SEE THAT YOU HAVE FEELINGS FOR THE HUMAN TOO!"Papyrus said.

"YOU HAVE TO ASK HER OUT BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!"he said."Nah.It won't work out.She'll never love a monster like me."I said as if my soul broke and shattered as I said those words."Cmon,Sans...It will work out.Trust us..."Asriel saidsuspiciously as he high-fived with Papyrus.I just rolled my eye sockets.But it was so suspicious...What do they know?


Then the girls came inside.Mettaton,Undyne,Alphys and...the one and only,Frisk...

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