Chapter 29:Find You

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A/N:I just realized,I wrote two chapter 27s.I'm stupid.Welp,it's all fixed now!Heya fluffybears!And the art above isn't mine!ON WITH THE STORY!!!

Sans' P.O.V.


I watch as Frisk got taken away,the man picking her up bridal style.


I quickly snap my fingers as blue aura surrounds me.

I appeared in front of the mine,grabbed his gun and hit him in the head.I dropped the gun and picked Frisk up bridal style.(A/N:Yeah!!!SANS TO THE RESCUE!!!)

I teleported behind the stage and let Frisk down.I felt sorry for my girlfriend."Don't worry Frisk...Everything will be ale-*TUG*"

I felt my head hurt and I was losing consciousness.I saw Frisk slowly get pulled and picked up bridal style and the guy run away she in his arms...

Before I became unconscious,I hear screams.









I tried to scream but it only came out a whisper...








I bolted up right in my bed,my eye glowing slightly blue.

I soon calmed down after a few breaths."Thank goodness it's just a dream..."I said in relief.

I looked around,finding out that I was not in my room or my house.The room was mainly white.I looked down my bed,which wasn't my bed.

Suddenly Papyrus came inside."SANS!YOU'RE AWAKE!"Suddenly my skull was in pain."Hey Paps.Can you tone down a bit?"I asked."Why,of course."he surprisingly said in a calm voice.

"How are you feeling?"he asked."Just a throbbing pain in my skull,nothing much."I said casually."What happened back at the ceremony,Sans?"he asked.

"What?!It wasn't a dream?!"I panicked."Yes Sans!"Paps said.

"Is Frisk here?!Did you guys find her?!"I panicked."Unfortunately not brother!The human just disappeared!"he said."We have to tell everyone that's she's been kidnapped!"I panicked."What?!The human has been captured?!"he panicked as well but not as loud as before.I nodded at him and he went out call everyone.

Suddenly a black figure appeared right in front of me."Dad?"


"Dad,what's going on?"I asked him."A lot has been going on son.But you need to save Frisk.You have to..."he started to disappear."DAD WAIT!"

"Sans?"Toriel walked in."Is everything ok?"she asked."I...I'm fine..."

Frisk's P.O.V.

I opened my eyes.I looked around,it was very dark.

Where am I?

I tried to move but I can't.Suddenly lights went on right in front of me.I realized my hands and feet are in chains,tape wrapped around my mouth,I was wearing my white dress with lots of thorns on it.

Three figures walked up to me.They're faces are covered in black masks.Soon,one took off the mask.My eyes grew shocked at my sightings.

I must be hallucinating!I have to be hallucinating!He can't come back!

"Miss me honey?"I cried as tears fell down my face.It was my stepdad.

Suddenly another figure walks up.But not close enough since I can't see him.

"Alright boss,give us the money.We caught the girl."stepdad said as the other men looked at their so called boss.

"RiGhT...HeRe'S yOuR pRiZe..."

Suddenly blue wires wrapped around the men's souls and cracks them and broken them.

Nooo...It's the guy from my dream!Sans!Mom!Dad!Asriel!Chara!Undyne!Alphys!Papyrus!Mettaton!


The guy's other blue wire went to me,taking off the tape in my mouth.


"I aIn'T gOt No MoNeY.BeSiDeS,tHeY aLrEaDy GaVe mE wHaT I wAnT..."


"FoR pUrPoSeS...DiD yA mIsS mE?"

"HELL NAW!YOU DOUCHEBAG!"I screamed at him."LET ME GO!"

"HeH.YoU dOn'T eVeN kNoW mY nAmE.AnD yOu JuSt aRrIvEd..."


"HeH,dId YoU rEaLlY fOrGeT aBoUt Me?"

His words haunted me."W-What do you m-mean?W-Who are y-you?"I stuttered.

"CaN't YoU rEmEmBeR?It'S mE.I'm---"


A/N:TADA!!'CLIFFHANGER!!!So who do you think is mystery guy?It's not too late to guess!Plz guess!I want to know!I feel so cruel on leaving a cliffhanger when he was about to say his name.LOL.HAHAHAHAHAH!!!Wut?You mad?Welp,that's all for now!BYE FLUFFYBEARS!!!LUV YOU!!!

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