Chapter 13:Another Nightmare

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A/N:Hey fluffybears!Sam is here.The reason why I published this on Wednesday because,I have some extra time.Okay ON WITH THE STORY!!!


Frisk's P.O.V.

"Hello?"I called out.

I was nowhere.I don't know where I am.It's just pitch black.Yet I feel like a floor is under my feet.But,it's very familiar.

"Hello!"I called even louder as it echoed."Where am I?"I asked.

"Hey Frisk..."

I heard the familiar female voice call out.I looked behind me and I saw Chara.

Black tears forming on her eyes slowly dripping.It's not the ooze that usually comes out."Chara?"

"Remember this?"

I looked around and saw a big screen turn on,like a T.V.Then Sans appeared on the screen.

"Well,kid.Let's get this over with..."he said and everything on the screen turned black and white.The buttons FIGHT,ACT,ITEMS and MERCY appeared.

Oh no...This is where I fought Chara and changed our lives...

I watched the screen.

Got killed,Reset,Kill,Reset...

The Same Routine.

The Same Dodges.

The Same Attacks.

I kept dying and resetting.

I watched the screen in horror.

Sans is sleeping,once again.The old me charged at him,glitching.

Until the old me glitched,the yellow and green sweater turning into purple an blue.And she stopped.

"I CANNT TAKE THIS ANYMORE,CHARA!"the old me screamed,tears running down her face.Sans woke up looking at me confused."Frisk,what are you doing?!"Chara's voice spoke up in the screen,opening her red orbs."I'm sorry,Chara!Sorry not sorry!I'm tired of this!I CAN'T KILL ANYMORE!!!I'm not you pet anymore!I'M TIRED OF BEING YOUR PRISONER!!!"

On another screen,I saw myself fighting Chara.To gain control.I watched at the other screen,where it shows the real world.Sans confused.My eyes are turning red and brown.Tears forming,dripping down.

Until old me gained control.She pressed the MERCY button without hesitant.I watched the real world screen as Sans grinned evily.And killed me.

I watched as old me is lying on the floor.A smile grew slowly as she mumbled a thank you...

Then everything reset.

In another screen,I fully gained control.I walked around Snowdin and I saw myself see Sans.Sans looked mad at me.But the other me smiled and hugged him.He was startled and hugged me back,knowing this is the Frisk he knows.

Then,all the screen turned off.

I looked behind me and saw Chara.

"NoW,FrIsK...I'lL sHoW yOu WhY yOu ShOuLdN't HaVe DoNe ThAt...WhY yOu ShOuLdN't HaVe ChOsE lOvE..."

"Heh.Can you do something about it?"I chuckled.

"AcTuAlLy,YeS.aNd,LuCkY yOu...YoU hAvE tHe AnCiEnT jEwEl Of MaGiC..."

"Hah!Yes I do!"I laughed.

"WeLl.PoOr YoU."

"And why is that?"I smirked.

"BuT,dO yOu KnOw HoW tO uSe It?"

"Of course I do!Sans has been teaching me!"

"TrUe.BuT dO yOu KnOw It'S wEaKnEsS?"

Now that got me silent.I don't know what to say.I kept my mouth shut.

Chains grabbed my hands and feet,pulling me into a wall.

"ThAt iS yOuR wEaKnEsS..."

Then she placed duct tape on my mouth.

"KeEp QuIet...YoU,sEe,I'm NoT aLoNe..."

A red trigon flew into her hands.Not like Asgore's.

The trigon pushed into the top of my collar bone,making me wince.

"NoW...WAKE UP!!!"

I bolted awake on my bed.Sans beside me,woke up by my sudden movement."Wha-?!"It was still night time.Midnight...

A duct tape was placed on my mouth,blood trickling down my collar bone.

Sans noticed me,and slowly took off the duct tape of my mouth.I noticed him very worried.His pupils dissapeared.He healed my wound,leaving a small scar.He hugged me and snapped his fingers.

We arrived at Waterfall Lake.He placed me beside a tree."WHO DID THIS TO YOU?!"he yelled."C-Chara..."I stuttered."THAT SON OF A *BEEP*!!!I'LL KILL THAT-"

"S-Sans...C-Calm down..."I said as I kissed his cheek.

He signed.He snuggled with me."I'm fine now,Sansy~."I cooed,trying to keep him calm as possible."Don't worry..."

"It's just...I can't lose you..."he whispered in my ear."I'll be fine..."I replied.

"We'll be fine..."I said.He slowly smiled at me and kissed me gently but full of passion.And I kissed back(A/N:Duh!Sorry,I'll go.)After the kiss we looked at each other.

"We'll always be fine..."

"Or ArE yOu?"



A/N:MWAHAHAHA!!!I love this cliffhanger business!Makes me feel evil. >:) Also,one of the best ways to annoy readers!

Like that troll face I gave ya? ;) HUEHUEHUE!I'm such a troll

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Like that troll face I gave ya? ;) HUEHUEHUE!I'm such a troll.

Well,don't hate me yet.

"Or will we?"



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