Chapter 39:Grab The Mic

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A/N:Hello fluffybears!Welcome back into a new chapter!Well...last chappie was unexpected...P.S.This iwll be a long chapter.Anyway,ON WITH THE STORY!!!


Frisk's P.O.V.

I walked downstairs to go look for Sans."Mom,have you seen Sans?"I asked mom."Oh,he's probably in the kitchen."she replied.We both walked to the kitchen door.

"Sans!Frisk is looking for you!"mom called out.

"C-Coming!"Sans replied from the other side.

We waited patiently for him to come out.

"Mom,just go and seat at the living room."

She nodded her head and walked to the living room.

After a few minutes,Sans went out,his face buried in his jacket.

He looked at me,his face was no longer in his jacket.Yet I could still see the blue hint on his face.

He looked at me,observing my body as I wore a long sleeve off-shoulder light yellow shirt and black jeans.Brown boots with light yellow mittens covering

"You look stunning as ever."he complimented.


There was an awkward silence between us.Until he decided to break the ice.

"Look Frisk,sorry for not coming out immediately coming out.I know,I'm very very very very d-"

"No no!It's okay!You didn't know that I was changing!"

He smiled."I'm really sorry though."

I smiled as well."I said before,it's ok!Apology accepted."

He shook his head."At least let me take you to Grillby's for lunch?"(A/N:BTW,Frisk ate at 8*lel.Tongue twister*and took a bath at 9 and will leave the house at 10.So,she will probably eat at 11.Why did I make an A/N for this?I don't want people be like,"But Sam!It's probably just 10/9!"So yeah.)


He held my hand as we both still blushed.We walked together to the Dreemurr family.

"Mom,dad,Azzy,Char-ry,we will be on our way now."I said."Make sure to be on time!Come home by 4!"dad said.

"4?But the party is on 6."

"Oh dear,you know Mettaton always says 'Beauty takes time'."mom said.

"It's a girl thing."Asriel said."Not all girls are girly you know!"Chara told him."Of course!Like you are girly!"Asriel pointed at her."WHY YOU LITTLE-"

"Ok!Bye!"Sans said and we both headed out for the door.


Me and Sans chuckled.

Snowflakes started to fall,their was snow everywhere.I open my mouth to try and catch one.Sans chuckled.

"I can't believe it's Christmas in just 3 days!"I cheered.


His face was blue again.He shook his head."Come on.Let's go to Grillby's."

He snapped his fingers once again and blue aura circled our bodies.

We appeared in front of Grillby's bar,Grillby's.

"Let's get inside."he said.

I nodded as we both walked inside.Sans waved to everyone as I waved as well.

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