Chapter 30:Save Me

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A/N:Hello fluffybears!Sorry for updating late.This is the last update for the week since Sem Break is over...;-;...But Christmas vacay will be here soon!Anyway,I know that the enemy is too obvi.But whatevs.Anyway,ON WITH THE STORY!!!


Sans' P.O.V.

I was having a hard time at sleeping back at home.


I kept thinking about Frisk.How I was so dumb and stupid to just teleport her back to her house where she is safe.How I was so dumb at not teleporting to her right away...

I wished she was just in my arms,snoring lightly and softly,her arms wrapped around my body...

I had so many mistakes lately...It's driving me nuts and full of guilt.Frisk was always there to make me feel less guilty.Yet she's gone from my embrace...I felt all my sins crawling down my back...

How I wish I could tell her it will be safe...That she will be ok...Alright...Right in my arms...

No matter how I turned around my bed,I could not sleep.No matter how I close my eye sockets,she would always be there.

I wish she was safe...I wish she was alright...I wish...


I stood up my bed and punched the wall full of anger.

Tears slowly fall down my face.I was devastated...

I continued to punch the wall over and over again...I could hear Sander wake up and yell and cry...

My bonnet hands started to go sore.Soon numb.The wall started to crack.


I heard Papyrus run in looking frightened as ever.I continued to punch the wall."SANS!"

He ran to me and pulled me away from the wall.

I suddenly hugged him and cried on his shirt.He looked startled at first then pat my back.

"It'll be alright brother...Frisk will be fine...We'll find her..."he quietly soothed."C'mon...go to sleep..."he picked me up yet I still cried.He placed me down on my bed and wished me good night.He walked to Sander and calmed him down.He then lift the room.

I started to slowly doze off...My eye sockets slowly closing...

I see a picture of Frisk smiling sweetly at me and I drifted off to sleep...

Frisk...Please...Be safe...


"C'mon Sans!Just tell us what u have planned for Frisk's birthday later!"Undyne told me.


"What do you have planned for later darling?"MTT said.

"Just s-say it S-Sans..."Alphys stuttered.

"Fine..."I said,rolling my white pupils.

"I'm gonna be confessing to her later."

They all gasped and everyone went fanboy and fangirl.

I groaned.

"MY OTP IS FINALLY SAILING!!!"Alphys cheered without stuttering at least one bit.

"Took ya long enough!"Undyne and Mettaton cheered.


"Just don't tell her alright?"I asked.

"Suuuuuuuure..."Undyne rolled her eyes."I MEAN IT UNDYNE!If you tell her I'll gonna krill you in your sleep!"

Now that shut her up...


"W-Well...I do h-have something to s-say..."I stuttered.


"Go on,Dr.Alphys..."she joked.I slightly chuckled.

"Well...I-I,S...Hd...go...held...da...L-Lo..."I said.I have no idea what I just said...

"What?"she asked,giggling.

There's her sweet giggle again...

"I-AH!SCREW IT!!!"I grabbed her arms,making her adorably squeak.I closed my eye sockets but before I can kiss her...

She suddenly got out of my grasp.

(A/N:Before we continue and sorry to break the mood,I got this idea from a story on Episode called Cyber-T.Okay?Well,the idea is like copying it...But it's  different here!Continue.)

I saw something different on her.Her clothes changed into torn shirts and jeans.Her hair was longer and in a mess.Her chocolate brown eyes was all puffy and red.Dirt was spread all over her body.Her body was glitching.

And everything just stopped except me and her.

"Sans!"she called out to me."FRISK?!"I shouted.

I was so confused.My head was spinning.

"Help!"she yelled.

"I'm confused!What is going on?What do you mea-"

"SAVE ME!!!"she yelled.

There was a loud blood curling scream bringing shivers down my spine as Frisk disappeared.



A/N:CLIFFHANGER!!!So what do you think of this chappie?Do you like it?What will happen?Stay tuned for the next chappie!BYE FLUFFYBEARS!!!LUV YOU!!!

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