A/N:Fuku Fire's Baby

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So remember last chappie?Fuku Fire is pregnant with Sans' baby?

You: Don't remind me.>:(

Me:I think your reaction to that is this:

Me:I think your reaction to that is this:

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And my reaction is:

And my reaction is:

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Well...Here's where you come in with this!

So please forgive me.

Okay,here is a about Fuku Fire that I want you to answer.

1.Does Fuku Fire live after giving birth to her baby or no?

And now here are the questions about her baby.

1.Girl or boy?

2.Fire monster or skeleton monster?

3.If Fire monster what color is her/his flame?

4.Eye color?

5.What are her/his powers?Sans' or Fuku Fire's?

And I think that's it.If I forget something please comment it.

Anyways...I hope you answer these questions since I can't make up my mind.

Bye fluffybears!Luv you!

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