Chapter 18:Tears and Love

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A/N:Heya fluffybears!Can't think of a clever name for the chappie.But hope you like this chapter!ON WITH THE STORY!!!


Frisk's P.O.V.

"Okay,I'll help you!"I gave in."Thank goodness..."he signed in relief."AWWW...AT LEAST I HAVE A PICTURE!"Papyrus said and walked downstairs.

"So,turn me back."he said.I kissed Sander's nose,making him giggle."I dunno how."I said."YOU TOO?!"Sans panicked."Don't worry about it my furry friend.I can learn!"I said with a pun and kissed him.He gladly kissed back.

"Hopefully."he said after we broke the kiss.

"I'll go and do some research,m'kay?"I said."Whale then,I'mma go to Grillby's."he said.I nodded and waved goodbye to the two boys.

I walked downstairs to Papyrus."HELLO HUMAN!WHAT CAN I,THE GREAT PAPYRUS HELP YOU WITH?"he greeted me."Nothin' Papy.Just keep happy!Hey that rhymed!"I replied."INDEED,HUMAN FRISK.INDEED."

"Bye Paps."I waved goodbye as he waved goodbye as well...I walked out greeted my the neighborhood.

Sigh...I love these skelebros...Especially you,Sansy...

I continued to walk back to my house.I teleported inside my room.

I pulled out a big book out of my bookshelf.It read:

"Ancient Magic Spells"

I started to read it until...


"Come in!"I called out.

Chara came inside with a heart warming smile."Oh,hey Chara."I greeted her."Heya Frisk."she replied."I thought your on a date with Sans?"she asked."Well,it was canceled due to a cute problem."I said giggling."What happened?"she asked interested."Baby Sander made him a neko."I said,giggling once more."Heh.Serves that d-bag right."she snorted.

"But...Chara,I never got to ask,how did you made Asriel and Flowey the same person again?"I asked." actually caused it.I was possesed to do it for some reason whatsoever."she explained,not straight as I want it to be.

" turn.Where we're you the past 4 years?"she asked me."Oh...Well,I ran away to a village.I kept screaming a crying.But they all thought I was a lunatic.A family approached me.They felt sympathy and took care of me.But treated me badly.Those 4 years,they treated me like I was a slave.A maid."I said,tears filling my eyes.

"S-So...when I was ten,I couldn't take it anymore.I tried to commit suicide.But it always ends up as a fail.After so many attempts...I ran to Mt.Eboot.And purposefully fell down.Yet it was another fail again."I cried there.

Chara conforting me.Then the doors bursted open and everyone came to me and hugged,crying along with me."Don't ever try commit suicide again!"Toriel yelled."Also,what are you guys doing here?"I asked."Umm...Spying?"Asriel said."You blabber mouth."Dad chuckled.

Soon,they gave me some space.But I stopped Chara and Asriel.

"Hold on,Chara,Asriel!Can you help me with a spell or something to make Neko Sans back to normal?"I asked."I guess.Yeah."they answered and continued to search on the book as well for a counter spell.

"Oh hey,look!"Chara pointed at some words."Oh yeah!That might work!"me and Asriel replied as we read the spell."Let's try it."I said.

Sans' P.O.V.

I just finished drinking a bottle of ketchup."Thanks,Grillbz.Put in on my tab.(A/N:As always.)Let's ketchup later.Bye!"I said standing up.

"Wait,Sans.What's with that neko thing?"he called."Heh.Baby Sander."I said.He chuckled and waved goodbye to me.

I walked out and decided to just walk back home.(A/N:Admit it.'That is not my Sansy!')


"Hey there,Neko-ton!"

Two guys walked to me,a guy wolf monster and a male human.

"Zip it,dumb*BEEP*."I said coldly."Aww...No don't get fierce now."the human said."Step back!"I ordered them,my eye flaming and glowing blue."You don't want to have a B A D T I M E."

"Neko-ton,just shut up.What are you gonna do,meow,purr,play,shriek?"the wolf monster laughed along with the human."Are you saying I'm weak?!"I blurted out."Heh.Your girlfriend probably hates you.Why can't you be a toughie like us?"


I was triggered by their sayings,like a knife pushed through my non-existent heart.Tears started forming in my eye sockets.

Do Frisk really-


I looked behind me and saw Frisk,floating in mid air,green flame surrounding her hands.

"Who said so?!"the human teased.I saw a green hand grab the two and threw them away.Then it catched them and tied them to a tree with a magic rope.

"Sans!You okay?!"she said and landed back on the ground.She ran to me an hugged me.I was still crying.


" you...hate me?"I cut her off."What?!They told you that?!Of course I don't!I love you!"she said as held my hand."Y-You do?"I stuttered."What kind of question is that?!Of course I do!"She kissed me on the teeth.And who wouldn't want to know,I kissed her back.x

I felt happy once more and I teleported us back to my room.Sander was still sleeping on the crib.She wiped away my tears and broke the kiss.

"You're purr-fect just the way you are."she said and snuggled to me."I love you Frisk..."I whispered."I love you too,Sans..."

"Besides,I have the spell for you!"she cheered,getting on her happy side again.I smiled."You can summon it if you want.It's the only spell available."she said."It's okay.I think I get your attention more like this."I chukled."Okay."

A pink aura surrounded her hands.Then with a flash of a light,the neko an tail dissapeared.

"Thanks Frisk."I thanked her.She smiled.

We laid on my bed and she snuggled up to me as I hugged her back.

I will forever love you,my Frisk-y kid...

I soon fell asleep.

I opened my eyes in a black room.


A/N:Yay!It's done!Quite a sweet chappie,I know.But...THE CLIFFHANGER!!!


Bye fluffybears!Luv you!

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